Last不是String()的成员 - VB.Net获取字符串的最后一个单词

时间:2015-09-16 17:42:19

标签: .net arrays string split

我试图获取字符串的最后一个字。我用空格分割字符串,然后得到Last,但它显示错误" Last不是String()"

str = "This is a string of words"
str = currentPriceString.Split(" ").Last



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Imports System.Linq

如果您还有导入,那么可能会发生的情况是您的目标是.NetFx版本低于v3.5,其中不存在 LINQ 功能,请检查您的.Net Framework目标并将其增加到v3.5或更高。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

Dim str As String = "This is a string of words"
Dim getLastWord As String = Mid(str, str.LastIndexOf(" ") + 2)


答案 2 :(得分:0)

为了使用IEnumerable.Last(Of TSource)扩展方法,您的项目必须以.NET 3.5或更高版本为目标。


Option Strict On
Option Explicit On

' The imports below are only required if the namespace(s)  
' have not been imported into your project's settings
Imports System.Linq ' Requires .NET 3.5 or higher
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic ' This is required to use the Visual Basic functions like Mid(), InStr(), MsgBox(), etc...

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim str As String = "This is a string of words"
        Dim delim As Char = " "c
        Dim strArr As String() = str.Split(delim)
        Dim lastWord As String

        ' Requires the Microsoft Visual Basic namespace to be imported
        lastWord = Mid(str, InStrRev(str, delim) + 1I)
        lastWord = Mid(str, str.LastIndexOf(delim) + 2I)

        ' These are safe for .NET 2.0 and higher:
        lastWord = strArr(strArr.Length - 1I)
        lastWord = strArr(strArr.GetUpperBound(0I))

        ' These require .NET 3.5 and higher:
        lastWord = (From word As String In strArr Select word).Last
        lastWord = strArr.Last
        lastWord = strArr.ElementAt(strArr.GetUpperBound(0I))
    End Sub
End Module