
时间:2015-09-16 16:26:24

标签: python

我正在处理名为insertAt的DoublyLinkedList类中的函数。正如你从我下面的代码中看到的那样,我已经获得了一些小的方法,但由于我无法弄清楚在插入新节点后如何将节点移到右边这一事实。我目前的输出是     6 9 7 -4 虽然它应该是     6 9 7 25 -4

__author__ = 'admin'

class DoublyLinkedNode:
""" A single node in a doubly-linked list.
    Contains 3 instance variables:
        data: The value stored at the node.
        prev: A pointer to the previous node in the linked list.
        next: A pointer to the next node in the linked list.

    def __init__(self, value):
        Initializes a node by setting its data to value and
        prev and next to None.
        :return: The reference for self.
        self.data = value
        self.prev = None
        self.next = None

class DoublyLinkedList:
The doubly-linked list class has 3 instance variables:
    head: The first node in the list.
    tail: The last node in the list.
    size: How many nodes are in the list.

    def __init__(self):
        The constructor sets head and tail to None and the size to zero.
        :return: The reference for self.
        self.head = None
        self.tail = None
        self.size = 0

    def addFront(self, value):
        Creates a new node (with data = value) and puts it in the
        front of the list.
        :return: None
        newNode = DoublyLinkedNode(value)
            if (self.size == 0):
            self.head = newNode
            self.tail = newNode
            self.size = 1
            newNode.next = self.head
            self.head.prev = newNode
            self.head = newNode
            self.size += 1

    def addRear(self, value):
        Creates a new node (with data = value) and puts it in the
        rear of the list.
        :return: None
        newNode = DoublyLinkedNode(value)
        if (self.size == 0):
            self.head = newNode
            self.tail = newNode
            self.size = 1
            newNode.prev = self.tail
            self.tail.next = newNode
            self.tail = newNode
            self.size += 1

    def removeFront(self):
        Removes the node in the front of the list.
        :return: The data in the deleted node.
        value = self.head.data
        self.head = self.head.next
        if self.head != None:
            self.head.prev = None
        self.size -= 1
        return value

    def removeRear(self):
        Removes the node in the rear of the list.
        :return: The data in the deleted node.
        value = self.tail.data
        self.tail = self.tail.prev
        if self.tail != None:
            self.tail.next = None
        self.size -= 1
        return value

    def printItOut(self):
        Prints out the list from head to tail all on one line.
        :return: None
        temp = self.head
        while temp != None:
            print(temp.data, end=" ")
            temp = temp.next

    def printInReverse(self):
        Prints out the list from tail to head all on one line.
        :return: None
        temp = self.tail
        while temp != None:
            print(temp.data, end=" ")
            temp = temp.prev

     def indexOf(self, value):
        counter = 0
        current = self.head
        while current.data != None:
            if current.data == value:
               return counter
               current = current.next
            counter += 1
        return -1

    def insertAt(self, index, value):
        newNode = DoublyLinkedNode(value)
        counter = 0
        current = self.head
        while counter != self.size:

            if counter == index:
                self.size += 1
                current.data = current.next
                current.data = newNode.data


                current = current.next
            counter += 1

    def main():
        dll = DoublyLinkedList()


if __name__ == '__main__':

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current.data = current.next


这是insertAt()函数的一个潜在解决方案(我将其保存在您的代码附近),输出6 9 7 25 -4

def insertAt(self, index, value):
    newNode = DoublyLinkedNode(value)
    counter = 0
    current = self.head
    while counter != self.size:
        if counter == index:
            newNode.prev = current.prev
            newNode.next = current
            current.prev.next = newNode
            current.prev = newNode
            current = current.next
        counter += 1      
    self.size += 1