
时间:2015-09-16 05:51:44

标签: java eclipse mongodb maven datanucleus

我有一个数据类DPOSTerminalRecord。我内部有一个名为LimitedList的嵌入式数据类。我正在使用带有DN增强器的MongoDB的DataNucleus JDO。

执行mvn clean package命令时,我得到以下内容:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) on project MainProject: Compilation failure
[ERROR] /Users/rhs/git/Project/MainProject/target/generated-sources/annotations/com/rhs/data/QDPOSTerminalRecord.java:[32,53] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol:   class QLimitedList
[ERROR] location: class com.rhs.data.DPOSTerminalRecord



public class DPOSTerminalRecord {

    private String _id; // this is the device ID

    private String _name; // this is the last logged name for the device

    private static class LimitedList<E> // the limited list type automatically dumps the last object out of the list when the capacity is reached.
        int capacity;
        private ArrayList<E> list;

        public LimitedList(int initialCapacity) {
            capacity = initialCapacity;
            list = new ArrayList<E>(capacity);

        public boolean add(E e) 
            if(list.size() == capacity)
                // dump the last object
                list.remove(capacity - 1);

            return list.add(e);

            @Persistent(name="capacity", column="capacity"),
            @Persistent(name="list", column="list")
    private LimitedList<String> m_knownNames = new LimitedList<String>(5);

    public DPOSTerminalRecord(String id, String name) {
        _id = id;
        _name = name;


package com.rhs.data;

import javax.jdo.query.*;
import org.datanucleus.api.jdo.query.*;

public class QDPOSTerminalRecord extends PersistableExpressionImpl<DPOSTerminalRecord> implements PersistableExpression<DPOSTerminalRecord>
    public static final QDPOSTerminalRecord jdoCandidate = candidate("this");

    public static QDPOSTerminalRecord candidate(String name)
        return new QDPOSTerminalRecord(null, name, 5);

    public static QDPOSTerminalRecord candidate()
        return jdoCandidate;

    public static QDPOSTerminalRecord parameter(String name)
        return new QDPOSTerminalRecord(DPOSTerminalRecord.class, name, ExpressionType.PARAMETER);

    public static QDPOSTerminalRecord variable(String name)
        return new QDPOSTerminalRecord(DPOSTerminalRecord.class, name, ExpressionType.VARIABLE);

    public final StringExpression _id;
    public final StringExpression _name;
    public final com.rhs.data.DPOSTerminalRecord.QLimitedList m_knownNames; // This is the infringing line since there is no QLimitedList inside this file

    public QDPOSTerminalRecord(PersistableExpression parent, String name, int depth)
        super(parent, name);
        this._id = new StringExpressionImpl(this, "_id");
        this._name = new StringExpressionImpl(this, "_name");
        if (depth > 0)
            this.m_knownNames = new com.rhs.data.DPOSTerminalRecord.QLimitedList(this, "m_knownNames", depth-1);
            this.m_knownNames = null;

    public QDPOSTerminalRecord(Class type, String name, ExpressionType exprType)
        super(type, name, exprType);
        this._id = new StringExpressionImpl(this, "_id");
        this._name = new StringExpressionImpl(this, "_name");
        this.m_knownNames = new com.rhs.data.DPOSTerminalRecord.QLimitedList(this, "m_knownNames", 5);

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