
时间:2015-09-15 04:50:44

标签: jquery html css jqgrid salesforce

我需要在jqrid中创建一个三个页脚的行(想法是在网格的末尾显示3个总行)。为了达到这个目的,我放弃了这篇帖子How to create two footer rows in jqgrid,这篇文章在Oleg中非常有用。



                loadComplete: function () {//for showing default edit
                    var $this = $(this), ids = $this.jqGrid('getDataIDs'), i, l = ids.length;
                    //In order to have three totals
                    var $this = $(this),
                    $footerRow = $(this.grid.sDiv).find("tr.footrow"),
                    var f = '$'+{!optyObj.Otter_FFA_Total_Before_GST__c};
                    var m = '$'+{!optyObj.Otter_FFA_Grand_Total_GST__c};
                    var l = '$'+{!optyObj.Otter_FFA_Grand_Total_After_GST__c};

                    $secondFooterRow = $(this.grid.sDiv).find("tr.myfootrow");
                    $thirdFooterRow = $(this.grid.sDiv).find("tr.myfootrow");
                    if ($secondFooterRow.length === 0) {
                        // add second row of the footer if it's not exist
                        $secondFooterRow = $footerRow.clone();
                        $secondFooterRow.removeClass("footrow").addClass("myfootrow ui-widget-content");
                        $secondFooterRow.children("td").each(function () {
                            this.style.width = ""; // remove width from inline CSS
                    if ($thirdFooterRow.length === 0) {
                        // add second row of the footer if it's not exist
                        $thirdFooterRow = $secondFooterRow.clone();
                        $thirdFooterRow.removeClass("footrow").addClass("myfootrow ui-widget-content");
                        $thirdFooterRow.children("td").each(function () {
                            this.style.width = ""; // remove width from inline CSS
                    //FIRST FOOTER ROW
                    $this.jqGrid("footerData", "set", {Description1__c: "Total EX GST:", Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c:f});
                    //$this.jqGrid("footerData", "set", {Description1__c: "Total XXX GST:", Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c:f});
                    //SECOND FOOTER ROW
                    $secondFooterRow.find(">td[aria-describedby=" + this.id + "_Description1__c]").text("GST:");
                    $secondFooterRow.find(">td[aria-describedby=" + this.id + "_Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c]").text(m);
                    //THIRD FOOTER ROW
                    $thirdFooterRow.find(">td[aria-describedby=" + this.id + "_Description1__c]").text("Total INC GST:");
                    $thirdFooterRow.find(">td[aria-describedby=" + this.id + "_Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c]").text(l);



    Total EX GST:   $1,141.12
    GST:            $114.14
    Total INC GST:  $1255.26

页 2 of 2
查看11 - 12 of 12


    Total EX GST:   $1,141.12
    Total INC GST:  $1255.26
    Total INC GST:  $1255.26

页 2 of 2
查看11 - 12 of 12



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


                    loadComplete: function () {//for showing default edit
                    var $this = $(this), ids = $this.jqGrid('getDataIDs'), i, l = ids.length;
                    for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                    //In order to have three totals
                    var $this = $(this),
                    $footerRow = $(this.grid.sDiv).find("tr.footrow"),
                    $secondFooterRow = $(this.grid.sDiv).find("tr.myfootrow"),
                    $thirdFooterRow = $(this.grid.sDiv).find("tr.mythirdfootrow");

                    var f = {!optyObj.Otter_FFA_Total_Before_GST__c};
                    var m = custFormat({!optyObj.Otter_FFA_Grand_Total_GST__c});
                    var l = custFormat({!optyObj.Otter_FFA_Grand_Total_After_GST__c});

                    if ($secondFooterRow.length === 0) {
                        // add second row of the footer if it's not exist
                        $secondFooterRow = $footerRow.clone();
                        $secondFooterRow.removeClass("footrow").addClass("myfootrow ui-widget-content");
                        $secondFooterRow.attr('id', 'secondFooterRow');
                        $secondFooterRow.children("td").each(function () {
                            this.style.width = ""; // remove width from inline CSS

                    if ($thirdFooterRow.length === 0) {
                        // add second row of the footer if it's not exist
                        $thirdFooterRow = $footerRow.clone();
                        $thirdFooterRow.removeClass("footrow").addClass("mythirdfootrow ui-widget-content");
                        $thirdFooterRow.attr('id', 'thirdFooterRow');
                        $thirdFooterRow.children("td").each(function () {
                            this.style.width = ""; // remove width from inline CSS

                    //FIRST FOOTER ROW
                    //$this.jqGrid("footerData", "set", {Description1__c: "Total EX GST:<br><br>GST:<br><br>Total INC GST:", Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c:f}, {Description1__c: "Total EX GST:<br><br>GST:<br><br>Total INC GST:", Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c:f});
                    $this.jqGrid("footerData", "set", {Description1__c: "Total EX GST:", Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c:f});
                    //SECOND FOOTER ROW
                    $secondFooterRow.find(">td[aria-describedby=" + this.id + "_Description1__c]").text("GST:");
                    $secondFooterRow.find(">td[aria-describedby=" + this.id + "_Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c]").attr('id', 'secondFooterRow_Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c');
                    $secondFooterRow.find(">td[aria-describedby=" + this.id + "_Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c]").text(m);
                    //THIRD FOOTER ROW
                    $thirdFooterRow.find(">td[aria-describedby=" + this.id + "_Description1__c]").text("Total INC GST:");
                    $thirdFooterRow.find(">td[aria-describedby=" + this.id + "_Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c]").attr('id', 'thirdFooterRow_Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c');
                    $thirdFooterRow.find(">td[aria-describedby=" + this.id + "_Otter_FFA_Total_Price__c]").text(l);

