I am using Laravel 4.1 and created a global filter which redirects to a particular page if any of the following value is null.
In the above values Caste is populated dynamically. When the religion value is changed. Everything was working fine With the below code in filter.php:
if (is_null(value->name)) {
return Redirect::to('confirm');
if (is_null(value->email)) {
return Redirect::to('confirm');
if (is_null($value->dob) {
return Redirect::to('confirm');
But when I added Religion or caste or both. The jQuery in the page crashes that is the dropdown isn't populating properly and the entire browser hangs.
if (is_null(value->name)) {
return Redirect::to('confirm');
if (is_null(value->email)) {
return Redirect::to('confirm');
if (is_null($value->dob) {
return Redirect::to('confirm');
if (is_null($value->religion) {
return Redirect::to('confirm');
if (is_null($value->caste) {
return Redirect::to('confirm');
I don't why it is happening; the first three work completely fine.
var Religion = '#Religion' ;
var Caste = '#Caste' ;
var caste = new Array();
var usr ;
$(function () {
async: false
usr = getUser();
var data = getCasteForReligion(usr.religionid) ;
if (data != null) {
// alert(data);
caste = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if(user.casteid != null)
$(Religion).change(function () {
if ($(Religion).val() != "") {
var data = getCasteForReligion($(Religion).val());
if (data != null) {
// alert(data);
caste = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
else {
function getCasteForReligion(religionid) {
var result;
{ religionId : religionid },
function(data) {
result = data;
return result;
function getUser() {
var result;
$.get( '/User',
{ },
function(data) {
result = data;
return result;
//Generate Products variant for Indent
function loadCastes(castlst) {
$(Caste).append(new Option("--Select--", "")).trigger('list:updated');
for (var i = 0; i < castlst.length; i++) {
$(Caste).append(new Option(castlst[i].name, castlst[i].id)).trigger('list:updated');