我遇到阻塞表的问题。 我有一个vba代码。
Public Function delete_fk()
DoCmd.RunSQL "alter table transform_tables drop constraint fk_trans;"
End Function
此功能从主宏运行(" test")。它运作良好,没有问题。我在执行主宏的表单中添加了单击按钮" test"。
Private Sub button115_Click()
[extract tables from transform].test
End Sub
table" transform_tables"无法被数据库核心阻止。它被其他用户使用。
Public Function delete_fk()
' delete primary keys
DoCmd.RunSQL "alter table transform_tables drop constraint fk_trans;"
End Function
Public Function delete_pk()
' ' delete foreign keys
DoCmd.RunSQL "alter table transform_tables drop constraint pk_trans_table_id;"
End Function
Public Function insert_fk()
' insert foreign keys
DoCmd.RunSQL "alter table transform_tables add constraint fk_trans foreign key (table_id) references tables(id);"
End Function
Public Function insert_pk()
' insert primary keys
DoCmd.RunSQL "alter table transform_tables add constraint pk_trans_table_id PRIMARY KEY (block_id, trans_table);"
End Function
Sub test2()
't = Timer
'checking fk and pk
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Dim k As Integer
Dim t As Integer
k = 0
t = 0
Set db = CurrentDb
Set td = db.TableDefs("transform_tables")
Set t2d = db.TableDefs("transform_tables")
For Each idxLoop In td.Indexes
If idxLoop.Primary = True Then
k = k + 1
End If
Next idxLoop
For Each idxLoop2 In t2d.Indexes
If idxLoop2.Foreign = True Then
t = t + 1
End If
Next idxLoop2
Set td = Nothing
Set t2d = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
' if we have pk then delete.
If k > 0 Then
' MsgBox ("k=" k )
' if we have fk then delete.
End If
If t > 1 Then
'MsgBox ("t=" & t)
End If
'now we must add the transform table with some specific
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("transform_tables", dbOpenTable)
Dim lenght As Integer
Dim str As String
Dim pos As Integer
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE transform_tables.block_id, transform_tables.trans_table, transform_tables.Table_id FROM transform_tables"
Dim format_data As String
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("transformer")
Dim Form As String
Dim i As Integer
Do While Not rs.EOF
If rs("table_lvl_transform") <> "" Then
Form = (rs("table_lvl_transform"))
Dim strPattern As String: strPattern = "(FROM|JOIN)\s+([^ ,]+)(?:\s*,\s*([^ ,]+))*\s*"
Dim strReplace As String: strReplace = ""
Dim regEx As New RegExp
Dim strInput As String
If Left(rs("table_lvl_transform"), 7) = "PRDN_DB" Then
rst!block_id = rs("block_id")
rst!trans_table = rs("table_lvl_transform")
End If
If strPattern <> "" Then
With regEx
.Global = True
.Multiline = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = strPattern
End With
Set MyMatches = regEx.Execute(Form)
If MyMatches.Count <> 0 Then
With MyMatches
For myMatchCt = 0 To MyMatches.Count - 1
If Left(MyMatches.Item(myMatchCt), 6) <> "FROM (" And Left(MyMatches.Item(myMatchCt), 6) <> "JOIN (" Then
str = MyMatches.Item(myMatchCt)
lenght = Len(str)
format_data = Right(str, lenght - 4)
pos = InStr(format_data, ")")
If pos = 0 Then
rst!block_id = rs("block_id")
rst!trans_table = format_data
End If
End If
End With
End If
End If
End If
Set rst = Nothing
DoCmd.RunSQL "update transform_tables set trans_table = trim(trans_table);"
DoCmd.RunSQL ("update transform_tables set trans_table = iif(left(trans_table, 4) = 'PRDN', 'PRD3' & right(trans_table, len(trans_table) - 4), trans_table);")
DoCmd.RunSQL "update transform_tables set trans_table = iif(left(trans_table, 3) = 'SIT', 'PRD3' & right(trans_table, len(trans_table) - 3), trans_table);"
DoCmd.RunSQL "update transform_tables set trans_table = switch((InStr(trans_table,'.') = 0) and (trans_table like 't_*' ), 'PRD3_DB_STG.' & trans_table,(InStr(trans_table,'.') = 0) and (trans_table alike '[C,N,S,B][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'), 'PRD3_DB_STG.' & trans_table, (InStr(trans_table,'.') = 0) and (trans_table like 'K_*' or trans_table = 'R_*'), 'PRD3_DB_TMD.' & trans_table, True , trans_table);"
DoCmd.RunSQL "update transform_tables set trans_table = iif((InStr(trim(trans_table),'.') = 0), 'PRD3_DB_STG.' & trans_table, trans_table);"
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update transform_tables inner join Tables on (Right(transform_tables.trans_table,Len(transform_tables.trans_table)-InStr(transform_tables.trans_table,'.')) = right(tables.tablename, len(tables.TableName) - instr(tables.TableName, '_' ))) Set transform_tables.trans_table = 'PRD3_DB_STG' & tables.TableName where InStr(transform_tables.trans_table, '.') <> 0 and left(transform_tables.trans_table,InStr(transform_tables.trans_table,'.')-1) = 'PRD3_DB_STG' and Right(transform_tables.trans_table,Len(transform_tables.trans_table)-InStr(transform_tables.trans_table,'.')) not alike '[C,N,S,B][0-9][0-9][0-9]%' and (instr(tables.TableName, '_' ) <> 0) and tables.databaseName = 'PRD3_DB_STG_DDL';"
DoCmd.RunSQL "Alter TAble transform_tables add Column keys COUNTER"
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE Transform_tables.keys FROM Transform_tables WHERE (((Transform_tables.keys) Not In (SELECT MIN(keys) FROM Transform_tables GROUP BY trim(trans_table), block_id)));"
DoCmd.RunSQL "Alter TAble transform_tables drop Column keys"
DoCmd.RunSQL "insert into tables(databasename, tablename) select distinct left(transform_tables.trans_table,InStr(transform_tables.trans_table,'.')-1) as db, Right(transform_tables.trans_table, Len(transform_tables.trans_table)-InStr(transform_tables.trans_table,'.')) as tb from transform_tables Left Join( select A.* from ( select distinct left(transform_tables.trans_table,InStr(transform_tables.trans_table,'.')-1) as db, Right(transform_tables.trans_table, Len(transform_tables.trans_table)-InStr(transform_tables.trans_table,'.')) as tb from transform_tables ) as A inner join Tables on (A.db = tables.databasename) and (A.tb = tables.tablename)) as B on (B.db = left(transform_tables.trans_table,InStr(transform_tables.trans_table,'.')-1)) and (B.tb = Right(transform_tables.trans_table, Len(transform_tables.trans_table)-InStr(transform_tables.trans_table,'.'))) where (B.db is null) and (B.tb is null);"
DoCmd.RunSQL "update transform_tables inner join tables on (Right(transform_tables.trans_table,Len(transform_tables.trans_table)-InStr(transform_tables.trans_table,'.')) = tables.tablename) and (left(transform_tables.trans_table,InStr(transform_tables.trans_table,'.')-1) = tables.databaseName) set table_id = tables.id;"
' insert pk and fk
'MsgBox ("time is " & Timer - t)
End Sub