#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char mainMenu(void);
int factorial(int n);
unsigned long long combination(long nK, long nR);
int main(){
char option;
int shape,function,i,j,k,t,n;
long nK, nR;
unsigned long long COM;
case '1'://Program 1:
cout<< "*Drawing a shape\n"
<< "(1-Rectangle, 2-Triangle, 3-Inverted Triangle, 4-Letter 'H', 0-Back to Main Menu)\n";
cout<< "Choose shape >> ";
cin>> shape;
cout<< endl;
case 1: break;
case 2: break;
case 3: break;
case 4: break;
case 0:
//Back to Main Menu
cout<< "Back to main menu\n"
<< endl;
return mainMenu(); //After here, it does back to Main Menu but command or option is not working
case '2': //Program 2
cout<< "*Choose function of calculator\n"
<< "(1-Factorial, 2-Combination, 0-Back to main menu)\n";
cout<< "Choose function >> ";
cin>> function;
cout<< endl;
case 1: break;
case 2: break;
case 0:
cout<< "Back to main menu\n"
<< endl;
return mainMenu();
case '0':
cout<< "Program is terminating\n"
<< endl;
return 0;
cout<< "Wrong input. Please choose one of the above options.\n"
<< endl;
return mainMenu();
char mainMenu(void){
char option;
cout<< "##############################\n"
<< "Main Menu\n"
<< "Enter your command!\n"
<< "##############################\n"
<< endl
<< "1. Program1\n"
<< "2. Program2\n"
<< "0. Exit\n"
<< endl
<< "Command >> ";
cin>> option;
cout<< endl;
return option;