public class ClientCart{
@Resource private SessionContext ctx;
private List<String> items; //contains a list of products
private void createCart(){
init stuff like db connection...
get name of user with ctx.getCallerPrincipa()
check if user had in the db
if there were items, create a list: items = new LinkedList()<>;
else: populate items with whatever was in db
public List getItems(){ /* return the cart... */ }
public void addItem(String item){ /*do a items.add(item); */}
private void maintenanceOnSleep(){
Called when the server decided to suspend this instance due to long time of inactivity - when user close browser, etc...
Does clean up tasks like closing a db connection
private void maintenanceOnActivate(){
Opposite of @PrePassivete - open the db connection...
public void logout(){ /* nothing in here... */ }
public void cleanUP(){
/* called when error happens or logout() is explicitly called, will send purge instance vars like items to db and close connections.
现在我如何制作其余资源?由于rest是请求范围的,我不能注入有状态的bean ...
public class ShoppingCart{
public void (@Context HttpServletRequest rq, @PathParam("user") String u, @PathParam("pass") String p {
we do programmatic logins with rq.login(u, p); ... and then what happens? :)