//BTW I use the camera to get a viewport of 1280x780 for all resolutions so I have to convert screen coordinates to world coordinates
//Begin SpriteBatch
sb.draw(websiteBanner, 0, 0, Camera.originalRes.x * Camera.cameraScale.x* Camera.resolutionRatio.x, Camera.androidControlsOffset* Camera.resolutionRatio.y);
//On screen controls textures
sb.draw(goLeftRightButton, 0, 0, controlsWidth* Camera.resolutionRatio.x, Camera.androidControlsOffset* Camera.resolutionRatio.y);
sb.draw(duckButton, Gdx.graphics.getWidth() - (controlsWidth)*Camera.resolutionRatio.x, 0, controlsWidth / 2* Camera.resolutionRatio.x, Camera.androidControlsOffset* Camera.resolutionRatio.y);
sb.draw(jumpButton, Gdx.graphics.getWidth() - (controlsWidth / 2)*Camera.resolutionRatio.x, 0, controlsWidth / 2* Camera.resolutionRatio.x, Camera.androidControlsOffset* Camera.resolutionRatio.y);
boolean goLeftTest = false;
boolean goRightTest = false;
boolean duckTest = false;
boolean jumpTest = false;
//maximum of 4 fingers at a time
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (Gdx.input.isTouched(i)) {
//Utils.pointInsideBox uses the Rectangle class from badlogic and
if (!goLeftTest && Utils.pointInsideBox(Gdx.input.getX(i) / Camera.resolutionRatio.x, (Gdx.graphics.getHeight() - Gdx.input.getY(i)) / Camera.resolutionRatio.y, 0, 0, controlsWidth / 2, Camera.androidControlsOffset)) {
goLeftTest = true;
if (!goRightTest && Utils.pointInsideBox(Gdx.input.getX(i) / Camera.resolutionRatio.x, (Gdx.graphics.getHeight() - Gdx.input.getY(i)) / Camera.resolutionRatio.y, controlsWidth / 2, 0, controlsWidth / 2, Camera.androidControlsOffset)) {
goRightTest = true;
if (!duckTest && Utils.pointInsideBox(Gdx.input.getX(i) / Camera.resolutionRatio.x, (Gdx.graphics.getHeight() - Gdx.input.getY(i)) / Camera.resolutionRatio.y, Camera.originalRes.x * Camera.cameraScale.x - controlsWidth, 0, controlsWidth / 2, Camera.androidControlsOffset)) {
duckTest = true;
if (!jumpTest && Utils.pointInsideBox(Gdx.input.getX(i) / Camera.resolutionRatio.x, (Gdx.graphics.getHeight() - Gdx.input.getY(i)) / Camera.resolutionRatio.y, Camera.originalRes.x * Camera.cameraScale.x - controlsWidth / 2, 0, controlsWidth / 2, Camera.androidControlsOffset)) {
jumpTest = true;
//Replace the booleans
goLeft = goLeftTest;
goRight = goRightTest;
duck = duckTest;
jump = jumpTest;