我有一个可以拥有多家结算公司的小组。 我的计费公司可以有很多团体。所以我创建了一个连接表迁移,并在每个模型中添加了它:
var stringDate='26.6.2015 г.';// assuming this the format you get and used regex to match this pattern
stringDate=stringDate.substring(0, stringDate.indexOf(' '));// to remove everything after space including space
var pattern = /^(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{4})$/;
var arrayDate = stringDate.match(pattern);
var dt = new Date(arrayDate[3], arrayDate[2] - 1, arrayDate[1]);
console.log(dt)// this is date object
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
#I have to figure out how providers will be held in this app if its going to be an intermediary table or what. Does deleting a provider from a group remove them
#from the db all together or just that group?
validates :group_name, presence: true
#i think my issue is here, I have a lot of providers through provider_locations but there is no way to tell a group that provider_locations and group_locations are linked.
has_many :group_locations
has_many :providers, through: :provider_locations
has_many :provider_locations, through: :group_locations
has_many :invoices
has_and_belongs_to_many :billings
has_many :addresses, through: :group_locations
belongs_to :billing_address, class_name: 'Address', foreign_key: 'billing_address_id'
belongs_to :mailing_address, class_name: 'Address', foreign_key: 'mailing_address_id'
has_and_belongs_to_many :insurances
#has_many :provider_locations, through: :group_locations
class Billing < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :address
has_and_belongs_to_many :groups
编辑:添加了一些打印声明,不知道为什么这个吸盘启动时有2个账单存在。我可以删除所有这些,添加一个账单一切看起来都很好。重新运行测试,每次开始都有两个账单存在同样的事情。所以我也打印出第一张账单的名字。这是MyText。我使用代理搜索来搜索我的项目文件夹,因为它看起来很多。即在billings.yml fixture中。
require 'test_helper'
class BillingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
def setup
puts Billing.delete_all #shows 2
puts 'First count'
puts Billing.all.count #shows 0
puts 'End of count'
@group = Group.create(group_name: 'My Awesome', group_contact: 'pbs@myawesome.com', tin: '382FSJ2', npi: '2301329', notes: 'group was termed but then reinstated')
adr = Address.create(city: 'Las Cruces', state: 'New Mexico', zip: '88012', address_line_one: '382 Dark Side of the Moon', address_line_two: '')
gl =GroupLocation.create(group: @group, address: adr)
adr2 = Address.create(city: 'Albuquerque', state: 'New Mexico', zip: '88012', address_line_one: '1310 Constitution NE', address_line_two: '')
@group.mailing_address = adr2
@provider = Provider.create(first_name: 'Shane', last_name: 'Thomas')
pl = ProviderLocation.create(provider: @provider, group_location: gl)
@group2 = Group.create(group_name: 'My Other Group', group_contact: 'pbs@myothergroup.com', tin: '312fsf', npi: '412512', notes: '')
adr2 = Address.create(city: 'Las Cruces', state: 'New Mexico', zip: '88012', address_line_one: '381 Far Side of the Moon', address_line_two: '')
gl2 =GroupLocation.create(group: @group2, address: adr2)
adr3 = Address.create(city: 'Albuquerque', state: 'New Mexico', zip: '88012', address_line_one: '1310 Constitution NE', address_line_two: '')
@group2.mailing_address = adr3
@provider2 = Provider.create(first_name: 'Shane', last_name: 'Thomas')
p2 = ProviderLocation.create(provider: @provider2, group_location: gl2)
@billing = Billing.create(name: 'Marcha billing company', contact: 'bob@marcha.com')
@billing.address = Address.create(city: 'Las Cruces', state: 'New Mexico', zip: '88012', address_line_one: '501 Search-Bloc Rd', address_line_two: '')
@group.billings << @billing #add this billing to a group.
@group2.billings << @billing
puts 'Last count'
puts Billing.all.count #shows 1
puts 'End of Last count'
test 'retreiving all the groups for a billing company' do
puts Billing.all.count #shows 1
Billing.all.each do | bill |
if bill.groups.count > 0
puts bill.groups.first.group_name