
时间:2015-09-11 12:30:43

标签: salesforce apex-code apex salesforce-service-cloud salesforce-chatter



trigger RequireRejectionComment on Campaign (before update)

    Map<Id, Campaign > rejectedStatements
            = new Map<Id, Campaign>{};

    for(Campaign inv: trigger.new)

        Campaign oldInv = System.Trigger.oldMap.get(inv.Id);

        if ((oldInv.BR_ApprovalStatusRegulatory__c != 'Reprovado'
            && inv.BR_ApprovalStatusRegulatory__c == 'Reprovado')||
            (oldInv.BR_ApprovalStatusLegal__c!= 'Reprovado' && 
                inv.BR_ApprovalStatusLegal__c== 'Reprovado') )
            rejectedStatements.put(inv.Id, inv);


    if (!rejectedStatements.isEmpty())

        List<Id> processInstanceIds = new List<Id>{};

        for (Campaign invs : [SELECT (SELECT ID
                                       FROM ProcessInstances
                                       ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC
                                      LIMIT 1)
                               FROM Campaign
                               WHERE ID IN :rejectedStatements.keySet()])

        // Now that we have the most recent process instances, we can check
        // the most recent process steps for comments.
        for (ProcessInstance pi : [SELECT TargetObjectId,
                                          (SELECT Id, StepStatus, Comments
                                            FROM Steps
                                            ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC
                                           LIMIT 1 )
                                    FROM ProcessInstance
                                    WHERE Id IN :processInstanceIds
                                    ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC])
            if ((pi.Steps[0].Comments == null ||
                pi.Steps[0].Comments.trim().length() == 0))
                Trigger.new[0].parentId.addError(' My error Message  ');
                // ' My error Message');




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Have you tried creating the validation within the apex page itself?

You can set the page item to have a validation that doesn't allow the page to be submitted if a specified page item is NULL.

Look for the validations section within the page-processing section when editing your page.

Here is a link to documentation regarding validations:
