Android Picasso Dropbox:如何将图像加载到gridview中

时间:2015-09-11 11:30:13

标签: android dropbox picasso

  1. 我正在使用Dropbox Android SDK获取照片并将其显示到GridView中。
  2. 目前,我正在使用毕加索作为适配器和其他图片资源,如GPhotos,Facebook ......也是。
  3. 如何从Dropbox的文件中获取可下载的链接?或者如何使用Picasso加载Dropbox的图像?

    List<Entry> listEntry ="/photos", ".jpg", 0, false);
    int i = 0;
    for (Entry entry : listEntry) {
        if (this.isRemoving()) { // Check if fragment is being removed
        if (!entry.isDir) { // Check if this entry is dir or file
            Log.e(TAG, entry + " --- " + entry.fileName() + " --- "
                    + entry.parentPath() + " --- " + entry.modified);
            final DropboxLink shareLink = mApi.share(entry.parentPath()
                    + entry.fileName());
            url = shareLink.url;
            Log.v(TAG, "shareLink: " + shareLink.url);
            // The file name I get is ImageName.JPG and path is /Photos
            // With share() the url I get looks like

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



答案 1 :(得分:0)

Thanks @Greg for suggestion, i have a little notice for using Picasso with Dropbox SDK.

When use media i have to use option TRUE in SSL for success loading image from Picasso, if FALSE Picasso cannot load links.

答案 2 :(得分:0)

Dropbox中有一个示例,请尝试检查此链接dropbox sample

您需要看到2个文件 PicassoClient .java和 FileThumbnailRequestHandler .java



public class PicassoClient {
    private static Picasso sPicasso;

    public static void init(Context context, DbxClientV2 dbxClient) {

        // Configure picasso to know about special thumbnail requests
        sPicasso = new Picasso.Builder(context)
                .downloader(new OkHttpDownloader(context))
                .addRequestHandler(new FileThumbnailRequestHandler(dbxClient))

    public static Picasso getPicasso() {
        return sPicasso;


public class FileThumbnailRequestHandler extends RequestHandler {

    private static final String SCHEME =  "dropbox";
    private static final String HOST = "dropbox";
    private final DbxClientV2 mDbxClient;

    public FileThumbnailRequestHandler(DbxClientV2 dbxClient) {
        mDbxClient = dbxClient;

     * Builds a {@link Uri} for a Dropbox file thumbnail suitable for handling by this handler
    public static Uri buildPicassoUri(FileMetadata file) {
        return new Uri.Builder()

    public boolean canHandleRequest(Request data) {
        return SCHEME.equals(data.uri.getScheme()) && HOST.equals(data.uri.getHost());

    public Result load(Request request, int networkPolicy) throws IOException {

        try {
            DbxDownloader<FileMetadata> downloader =

            return new Result(downloader.getInputStream(), Picasso.LoadedFrom.NETWORK);
        } catch (DbxException e) {
            throw new IOException(e);

您只需要导入上面提到的那两个类然后获取sPicasso对象,然后您就可以使用它了。 :)