XCode 6.4:缺少标识符“全屏”所需的组件

时间:2015-09-09 19:03:33

标签: ios xcode assertion


function wlCommonInit(){

angular.element(document).ready(function() {
    // Boot up
    angular.bootstrap(document, ["myMobile"]);
WL.Client.connect({onSuccess: connectSuccess, onFailure: connectFailure});
function connectSuccess() {
WL.Logger.debug ("Successfully connected to MobileFirst Server.");

function connectFailure() {
WL.Logger.debug ("Failed connecting to MobileFirst Server.");

//1st snippet
WL.SimpleDialog.show("Push Notifications", "Failed connecting to MobileFirst Server. Try again later.", 
            text : 'Reload',
            handler : WL.Client.reloadapp
            text: 'Close',
            handler : function() {}

 //2nd snippet. For the 3rd one copy the adapter
 //------------------------------- Handle received notification ---------------------------------------
 WL.Client.Push.onMessage = function (props, payload) {
 WL.SimpleDialog.show("Tag Notifications", "Provider notification data: " + JSON.stringify(props), [ {
    text : 'Close',
    handler : function() {
    WL.SimpleDialog.show("Brodcast Notifications", "Application notification data: " + JSON.stringify(payload), [ {
            text : 'Close',
            handler : function() {}


  • 清理项目
  • 删除了派生数据
  • 重申了XCode
  • 重启机器

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