
时间:2015-09-08 16:02:34

标签: processing



显示像这样的黑白图像,除了白色而不是粉红色: [This is the image I'm using, except white instead of pink]

  1. 使用链代码通过创建blob /链来跟踪图像。每个链是坐标对的ArrayList(坐标对是名为Point2d的类的实例)。每个链的ArrayList都被命名为chain [0],链1等等。
  2. 按S将这些链逐个保存到另一个名为chainlist的ArrayList中。
  3. 按R打印出每个链的所有坐标对。
  4. 不幸的是,我有两个问题。

    • 每次我将单个链(例如chain[2])保存到我的链表中时,它会保存所有其他链。所以我只想保存chain[2]中的点数,但这些完全相同的点会被放入chain[1]chain[0]
    • 由于“等待数据包134”或其他一些数据包,我的草图不断崩溃。经过很多谷歌,我仍然不知道是什么导致了这一点。


    // Computes "chain code" to trace edge of a blob.
    // This code only traces the first blob found,
    // Where "first" is defined as "having a pixel with a lower index" (i.e. higher and to the left).
    // For multi-blobs, additional code would be needed to label connected blobs first.
    // (See "connected component labelling" or "clustering").
    // Note that the code does not find interior (nested) contours.
    Point2d firstPixel;
    PImage img;
    int N=1;
    //a class for single coordinate pairs that we will feed into a chain
    class Point2d {
      int x, y;
      Point2d (int inx, int iny) {
        x = inx;
        y = iny;
    ArrayList<ArrayList<Point2d>> chainlist = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Point2d>>();
    ArrayList<Point2d>[] chain = (ArrayList<Point2d>[])new ArrayList[5];
    void setup() {
      img = loadImage("ex1.png");
      size(img.width, img.height);
      firstPixel = new Point2d(0, 0);
      chain[0] = new ArrayList<Point2d>();
    void draw() {
      compute8NeighborChainCode (firstPixel.x, firstPixel.y);
    void drawSomeWhiteBlobs() {
      ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 140, 150);
      ellipse(230, 200, 100, 70);
      ellipse(280, 190, 70, 140);
      rect(300, frameCount%height, 50, 50);
    void findFirstBlobPixel() {
      boolean foundFirst = false;
      for (int y=mouseY; y<height; y++) {
        for (int x=mouseX; x<width; x++) {
        //all pixels in the display window are kept in an array called pixels[]
        //we check the color of the current pixel
          color val = pixels[y*width + x];
          //we check for a black pixel
          if (!foundFirst && brightness(val) < 255) {
            firstPixel.x = x;
            firstPixel.y = y;
            foundFirst = true;
    /*  Compute the chain code of the object beginning at pixel (i,j).
        Return the code as NN integers in the array C.          */
    void compute8NeighborChainCode (int i, int j) {
      int val, n, m, q, r, ii, d, dii;
      int lastdir, jj;
      // Table given index offset for each of the 8 directions.
      int di[] = {
        0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1
      int dj[] = {
        1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1
      val = pixels[j*width+i]; 
      n = 0; /* Initialize for starting pixel */
      q = i;   
      r = j; 
      lastdir = 4;
      do {
        m = 0;
        dii = -1;  
        d = 100;
        for (ii=lastdir+1; ii<lastdir+8; ii++) {     /* Look for next */
          jj = ii%8;
          if (isPixelLocationLegal (di[jj]+q, dj[jj]+r)) {
            if ( pixels[(dj[jj]+r)*width + (di[jj]+q)] == val) {
              dii = jj;
              m = 1;
        if (m != 0) { /* Found the next pixel ... */
          Point2d P = new Point2d(q, r);
          q += di[dii];
          r += dj[dii];
          lastdir = (dii+5)%8;
        else {
          break;    /* NO next pixel */
      while ( (q!=i) || (r!=j) );   /* Stop when next to start pixel */
    void drawChainCode() {
      stroke(255, 0, 0);
      /* beginShape();
      for (int i=0; i<chain.size(); i++) {
        Point2d P = (Point2d)chain.get(i);
        vertex(P.x, P.y);
      endShape(); */
      for (int C=0; C<chainlist.size(); C++) {
          ArrayList<Point2d> currchain = chainlist.get(C);
          //print all point pairs in that chain
          for (int i=0; i<currchain.size(); i++) {
          Point2d P = (Point2d)currchain.get(i);
          vertex(P.x, P.y);
    void drawAnnotations() {
      String heading = "BITMAP-TO-VECTOR BLOB TRACER\n";
      heading       += "This app extracts the contour (red) of the topleft-most blob,\n";
      heading       += "using an 8-neighbor connected chain code.\n";
      heading       += "# Contour points: " + chain[0].size();
      heading       += "# Chains saved: " + chainlist.size();
      text(heading, 15, 20);
    boolean isPixelLocationLegal (int x, int y) {
      if (x < 0 || x >= width)  return false;
      if (y < 0 || y >= height) return false;
      return true;
    void keyPressed() {
        if (key == 's'){ 
        println("Saving pointchain in slot "+N);
        chain[N] = new ArrayList<Point2d>();
        println("the chain we're saving is this big: "+chain[0].size());
        chain[N] = chain[0];
        println("A new pointchain "+chain[N].size() + " points long has been added.");
        for (int B=0; B<N; B++){
          println("Pointchain "+B+" is "+chain[B].size() + " points long.");
        N ++;
       println("You now have "+ chainlist.size() +" chains saved.");
        if (key == 'p'){
        //select each chain and print it
        println("Printing chains. You have "+chainlist.size()+".");
        for (int C=0; C<chainlist.size(); C++) {
          println("Chain " +C+ ", which is "+chain[C].size()+" points long, printing.");
            for (int i=0; i<chain[C].size(); i++) {
              Point2d D = (Point2d)chain[C].get(i);
              println(D.x, D.y);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我目前无法解决OOP问题,但如果您只想显示白色背景而不是粉红色的图像,那么您可以做的一件事就是简单地应用{{1} } filter()将您的彩色图像转换为二进制图像(黑白):


threshold result