/* CCTPG22 : Assignment02_ Changer
* @author Kevin Trujillo
* @version 8/30/2014
* Purpose: Your program will take input for the customer name,
the item description, purchase price of an item and
the amount tendered by the customer. Output the customer
ame, description, cost (with decimal point), amount tendered
(with decimal point) and change in one dollar bills, quarters,
ickels, dimes and pennies.
* Status: In Progress
import java.util.*;
public class Assignment02_Changer
public static void main(String[] args)
String costumer_Name ; // Variables Declared
String item_Bought ;
int amt_DUE ;
int amt_PAID ;
final int pennies_per_dollar = 100 ;
final int nickles_per_dollar = 20 ;
final int dimes_per_dollar = 10 ;
final int quarters_per_dollar = 4 ;
final int pennies_value = 1 ;
int change_due ;
int change_left ;
int dollars_returned ; // Amt of dollars returned
int quarters_returned ; // Amt of Quarters returned
int dimes_returned ; // Amt of dimes returned
int nickles_returned ; // Amt of nickles returned
int pennies_returned ; // Amt of pennies returned
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); // Intoduces Input Operator
System.out.print("Change making program by Kevin Trujillo. \n") ; // First Series of Outputs and Inputs (self-explanatory)
System.out.print("What is the customer's name? ") ;
costumer_Name = in.nextLine() ;
System.out.print("Provide one line to describe the item: ") ;
item_Bought = in.nextLine() ;
System.out.print("Please enter the item price in pennies: ") ;
amt_DUE = in.nextInt() ;
System.out.print("Please enter the amount tendered in cents ") ;
amt_PAID = in.nextInt() ;
System.out.print(costumer_Name + " bought a " + item_Bought + " for " + amt_DUE ) ;
System.out.print(" and tendered " + amt_PAID + " in cents. \n") ;
change_due = amt_DUE - amt_PAID ; // caluc. total AMT of change returned
dollars_returned = change_due / pennies_per_dollar ; // calcu. AMT of dollars returned
change_left = change_due % pennies_per_dollar ; // finds remainder due
change_due = change_left ;
quarters_returned = change_due / quarters_per_dollar ; // calcu. AMT of quarters returned
change_left = change_due % quarters_per_dollar ; // finds remainder due
change_due = change_left ;
dimes_returned = change_due / dimes_per_dollar ; // finds remainder due
change_left = change_due % dimes_per_dollar ; // calcu. AMT of dimes returned
change_due = change_left ;
nickles_returned = change_due / nickles_per_dollar ; // finds remainder due
change_left = change_due % nickles_per_dollar ; // calcu. AMT of nickles returned
change_due = change_left ;
dimes_returned = change_due / dimes_per_dollar ; // finds remainder due
change_left = change_due % dimes_per_dollar ; // caluc. AMT of dimes returned
change_due = change_left ;
pennies_returned = change_due / pennies_per_dollar ; // finds remainder due
System.out.print(costumer_Name + "'s change is: \n" );
System.out.printf(" " + dollars_returned + " one-dollar bill (s)\n") ;
System.out.printf(" " + quarters_returned + " quarter (s)\n" ) ;
System.out.printf(" " + dimes_returned + " dime (s)\n") ;
System.out.printf(" " + nickles_returned + " nickle (s)\n") ;
System.out.printf(" " + pennies_returned + " penny (ies)\n") ;
System.out.print("Thank you for your business. Come back soon " + costumer_Name + "!\n" ) ;
} // braces for the main class
} // braces for the program
This is an example of what the program should look like.
Change making program by Don Smith
What is the customer's first name? Bob
Provide one line to describe the item: Chem Book
Please enter the item price in cents: 3458
Please enter the amount tendered in cents: 4000
Bob bought a Chem Book for 34.58 and tendered 40.00
Bob's change is:
5 one-dollar bill(s)
1 quarter(s)
1 dime(s)
1 nickel(s)
2 penny(ies)
Thanks for your business. Come back soon.
答案 0 :(得分:1)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
您的代码和输出未同步。 SOP是不同的,也有一些数学错误。可能是您发布了您尝试过的旧代码。但是这些改变应该对你有帮助。
while(<DATA>) {
print "$1\n" if /xh = (\d+)/
a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 d = 4
+xh = 10 e = 9 f = 11
+some lines
+xh = 12 g=14
+some lines
some lines
+xh = 13 i=15 j=20
some lines
。 。
final int pennyValue = 1 ;//Change occurrences of these subsequently
final int nicklesValue = 5 ;
final int dimesValue = 10 ;
final int quartersValue = 25 ;
答案 2 :(得分:0)
将您的final static
int dollar = 100;
int quarter = 25;
int dime = 10;
int nickel = 5;
int penny = 1;
int change = paid - due;
int dollar_c = change / dollar;
change = change % dollar;
int quarter_c = change / quarter;
change = change % quarter;
int dime_c = change / dime;
change = change % dime;
int nickel_c = change % nickel;
change = change % nickel;