我有源表和我想要合并的目标表,因此应该始终在目标表中插入。对于每个更新的记录,应该更新一个标记为' Y'当这个内容发生变化时,记录标志值应该被改为“N' N'并且在该目标中插入该记录的新行,以便反映更新的记录的信息。基本上我想实现SCD type2。我的输入数据是 -
student_id name city state mobile
1 suraj bhopal m.p. 9874561230
2 ravi pune mh 9874563210
3 amit patna bihar 9632587410
4 rao banglore kr 9236547890
5 neel chennai tn 8301456987
当我输入chnages时 -
student_id name city state mobile
1 suraj indore m.p. 9874561230
我的输出应该像 -
surr_key student_id name city state mobile insert_Date end_date Flag
1 1 suraj bhopal m.p.9874561230 31/06/2015 1/09/2015 N
2 1 suraj indore m.p.9874561230 2/09/2015 31/12/9999 Y
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您可以使用触发器执行此操作,您可以在目标表上插入触发器之前创建,这将更新源表的标志列。 或者您可以在源表上具有更新触发器,该触发器将在目标表中插入记录。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Source (tu_student) - STUDENT_ID, NAME, CITY
查找更新的记录(例如您的博帕尔 - >印多尔案例)。所以我们必须在目标中进行2次操作
-- Create a new oracle sequence (test_utsav_seq in this example)
---Step 1 - Find new inserts (records present in source but not in target
insert into tu_student_tgt
test_utsav_seq.nextval as skey,
s.student_id as student_id,
s.name as name,
s.city as city,
sysdate as insert_date,
'31-DEC-9999' as end_date,
1 as Flag
from tu_student s
left outer join
tu_student_tgt t
on s.student_id=t.student_id
where t.student_id is null)
----Step 2 - Find skey which needs to be updated due to data chage from source and target. So get the active records from target and compare with source data. If mismatch found, we need to
-- a update this recods in target and mark it as Inactive.
-- b Insert a new record for same student_id with new data and mark it Active.
-- part 2a - find updates.
--these records need update. Save these skey and use it one by one while updating.
select t.skey
from tu_student s inner join
tu_student_tgt t
on s.student_id=t.student_id
where t.Flag = 1 and
(s.name!=t.name or
--2 b ) FInd the ids which needs to be inserted as they changed in source from target. Now as above records are marked inactive,
select s.student_id
from tu_student s inner join
tu_student_tgt t
on s.student_id=t.student_id
where t.Flag = 1 and
(s.name!=t.name or
---2a - Implement update
-- Now use skey from 2a in a loop and run update statements like below. Replace t.key = with the keys which needs to be updated.
update tu_student_tgt t
set t.student_id = (select s.student_id from tu_student s,tu_student_tgt t where s.student_id=t.student_id and t.key= -- id from 2a step . )
, t.name=(select s.name from tu_student s,tu_student_tgt t where s.student_id=t.student_id and t.key= --id from 2a step. )
, end_date = sysdate
, is_active = 0
where t.skey = -- id from 2a step
---2b Implement Insert use student_id found in 2a
--Insert these student id like step 1
insert into tu_student_tgt
test_utsav_seq.nextval as skey,
s.student_id as student_id,
s.name as name,
s.city as city,
sysdate as insert_date,
'31-DEC-9999' as end_date,
1 as Flag
from tu_student s
where s.student_id = -- ID from 2b step - Repeat for other ids