
时间:2015-09-08 05:46:09

标签: php mysql session

我正在创建一个朋友系统,当用户访问其他用户的个人资料时,他们会看到 ADD FRIEND 选项,当他们访问自己的个人资料时,他们可以看到其他内容,而不是 ADD FRIEND 选项,例如 TOTAL FRIENDS (或类似),当访客访问(未登录)时,他们也会以不同方式看到该页面。总而言之,我需要在一个页面上显示三个视图:

  1. 当人没有登录时
  2. 登录user != user_id
  3. 登录user == user_id
  4. 正如我现在所说,我设置脚本的方式出了问题。会议似乎没有在适当的情况下工作。


    include ( "./inc/connect.inc.php" ); 
    if (isset($_SESSION['user_login'])) {
        $user = $_SESSION['user_login'];
    else {
        $user = "";


    <?php include ( "./inc/header.inc.php" ); 
    if (isset($_GET['u'])) {
        $username = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['u']);
        if (ctype_alnum($username)) {
            //check user exists
            $check = mysql_query("SELECT username, first_name FROM users WHERE username='$username'");
            if (mysql_num_rows($check)===1) {
                $get = mysql_fetch_assoc($check);
                $username = $get['username'];
                $firstname = $get['first_name'];  
            else {
                echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=http://localhost/tutorials/index.php\">"; 
    $optionbox = "";
    if (isset($_SESSION['user_login']) != $user){
        $optionbox = '<div style="border:#CCC 1px solid; padding:5px; background-color:#E4E4E4; color:#999; font-size:11px;">
        <a href="#">Add friend</a>
    else if (isset($_SESSION['user_login']) == $user){
        $optionbox = '<div style="border:#CCC 1px solid; padding:5px; background-color:#E4E4E4; color:#999; font-size:11px;">
        <a href="#">friend list</a>
    else {
        $optionbox = '<div style="border:#CCC 1px solid; padding:5px; background-color:#E4E4E4; color:#999; font-size:11px;">


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


// Add connection here...(should be a PDO or mysqli_)
// Add a simple true/false function to test for logged in
// Would be better included on this page rather than written (like connection)
function is_loggedin()
        return (!empty($_SESSION['user_login']));
// Make a function to test if the logged-in user is currently viewing own profile
// Would be better included on this page rather than written (like connection)
function is_profile($user = false)
            return false;

        return (is_loggedin() && ($_SESSION['user_login'] == $user));
// Presumably you would have profile.php?u=23432 or similar 
// If no user requested just assign false
$user   =   (!empty($_GET['u']) && ctype_alnum($_GET['u']))? $_GET['u'] : false;
// If the user is valid (not empty)
// Would be better included on this page if condition is met otherwise
// It just kind of loads extra lines for nothing
if($user != false) {
        // You should not be using mysql_ anymore, PDO or mysqli_ with prepared/bound statements
        $username   =   mysql_real_escape_string($user);
        //check user exists
        $check      =   mysql_query("SELECT username, first_name FROM users WHERE username='$username'");

        if (mysql_num_rows($check) === 1) {
                $get        =   mysql_fetch_assoc($check);
                $username   =   $get['username'];
                $firstname  =   $get['first_name'];  
        else {
                echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=http://localhost/tutorials/index.php\">"; 
// Just do one wrapper
$optionbox[]    =   '<div style="border:#CCC 1px solid; padding:5px; background-color:#E4E4E4; color:#999; font-size:11px;">';
// Check if a user is logged in
    // If the logged in user matches the $_GET user
    $optionbox[]    = (!is_profile($user))? '<a href="#">Add friend</a>' : '<a href="#">friend list</a>';
// If user is not logged in
    $optionbox[]    =   '<h3>You must be logged in to view stuff and things</h3>';
// Finish wrapper
$optionbox[]    =   '</div>';
// Write to page
echo implode(PHP_EOL,$optionbox);


自从最初发布以来,我对这个答案有一些赞成,我不想引用这里添加连接......(应该是PDO或mysqli_)这样的内容没有实际显示,所以这里有一点点改写与适当的连接等。 function.PDOConnect.php是填充数据库凭据的位置:


// Have a general driver interface incase you need different database
// connection interfaces (MSSQL, etc)
interface DBDriver
        public  static  function connect($user,$pass,$host,$dbname);


// Create MySQL PDO Connection based on the DBDriver preferences
class Database implements DBDriver
        // This will store our connection for reuse
        private     static  $singleton;
        // This will store the connection options
        protected   static  $dbOpts;
        // This is the actual connecting to database
        public static   function connect($user,$pass,$host,$dbname)
                    return self::$singleton;


                try {
                        self::$singleton = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname",$user,$pass, self::$dbOpts);
                        self::$singleton->exec('SET NAMES "utf8"');
                catch(PDOException $e){
                        echo "unable to connect to server";

                return self::$singleton;
        // This sets the options for your database.
        public  static  function SetDatabaseAttr($value = false,$refresh = false)
                if(!is_array($value) || empty($value)) {                        
                        self::$dbOpts[PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE]            =   PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION;
                        self::$dbOpts[PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE] =   PDO::FETCH_ASSOC;
                        self::$dbOpts[PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES]   =   false;
                else {
                        if(empty(self::$dbOpts) || $refresh)
                            self::$dbOpts   =   array();

                        foreach($value as $DBKey => $DBValue)
                            self::$dbOpts[$DBKey]   =   $DBValue;

                return self::$dbOpts;


// This class can be expanded out to do a lot more than just fetch from the database
class QueryEngine
        protected   $query;
        private static  $singleton;
        // Create and Return instance of itself
        public  function __construct()
                    self::$singleton    =   $this;

                return self::$singleton;
        // Basic query method
        public  function query($sql = false, $bind = false)
                $con            =   PDOConnect();
                $this->query    =   $con->prepare($sql);

                if(!empty($bind)) {
                        foreach($bind as $key => $val) {
                                $bindVals[":{$key}"]    =   $val;


                return $this;
        // This function is what returns the array in conjunction with
        // the query method
        public  function Fetch()
                if($this->query) {
                        while($row = $this->query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                                $result[]   =   $row;

                return (!empty($result))? $result : 0;


// This function is what is used to autoload classes on the fly
// There is no need to include class files, so long as they are in the
// /classes/ folder
function AutoLoadClasses($className) {
        if(class_exists($className)) {

        if(is_file(CLASSES_DIR."/class.".$className.'.php')) {


// This will attempt to load the required file to run a specified function
// Similar to the autoloader for the classes, only this is required to be
// manually called like: AutoloadFunction("myfunction"); before function use
function AutoloadFunction($function = false,$loaddir = false)
        if($function == false)
            return false;

            $functions  =   explode(",",$function);

        $function_dir   =   ($loaddir != false && !is_array($loaddir))? $loaddir.'/function.': FUNCTIONS_DIR.'/function.';

        if(!isset($functions)) {
                $functions[]    =   $function;

        for($i = 0; $i < count($functions); $i++) {
                // Function name
                $addfunction    =   $functions[$i];
                // See if function exists
                if(!function_exists($addfunction)) {

                        $dir    =   $function_dir.$addfunction.'.php';
                        if(is_file($dir)) {


// Just make a quick PDO function to return your PDO Connection
// populate the arguements with your database credentials
function PDOConnect($user = "username",$pass = "password",$host = "hostname",$data = "databasename")
        return Database::connect($user,$pass,$host,$data);


// Here is a quick array fetching function using the query engine class
function query_fetch($sql = false,$bind = false)
        $qEngine    =   new QueryEngine();
        return $qEngine ->query($sql,$bind)


// Add a simple true/false function to test for logged in
function is_loggedin()
        return (!empty($_SESSION['username']));


// Make a function to test if the logged-in user is currently viewing own profile
function is_profile($user = false)
            return false;
        return (is_loggedin() && ($_SESSION['username'] == $user));


// This will fetch the user based on a get variable
function get_profile($username = false)
        // Presumably you would have profile.php?u=23432 or similar 
        // If no user requested just assign false
        $user                   =   (!empty($_GET['u']) && ctype_alnum($_GET['u']))? $_GET['u'] : false;
        $array['username']      =   false;
        $array['first_name']    =   false;
        // If the user is valid (not empty)
        // Would be better included on this page if condition is met otherwise
        // It just kind of loads extra lines for nothing
        if($user != false) {
                //check user exists
                $get      =   query_fetch("SELECT `username`, `first_name`,`ID` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = :0",array($user));

                if ($get != 0) {
                        $array['username']      =   $get[0]['username'];
                        $array['ID']            =   $get[0]['ID'];
                        $array['first_name']    =   $get[0]['first_name'];

                        return ($username)? $array['username'] : $array; 
                else {
                        header("location: http://localhost/tutorials/index.php"); 

        return $array;


// Define some basic locational constants
// Load up the functions autoloader
// Load up the function for class autoloading
// Apply the autoloader for classes


// Load all the settings to make things work.
<div style="border:#CCC 1px solid; padding:5px; background-color:#E4E4E4; color:#999; font-size:11px;">
// Using the "AutoloadFunction" should save execution time because
// it will only load functions it needs instead of loading all the functions 
// it could "potentially" need.
// Check if a user is logged in
if(is_loggedin()) {
        // Fetch the profile of current user query
        $user           =   get_profile();
        // If the logged in user matches the $_GET user
        echo (!is_profile($user['username']))? '<a href="?action=add&u='.$user['ID'].'">Add '.ucwords($user['first_name']).'</a>' : '<a href="#">friend list</a>';
// If user is not logged in
else {
    <h3>You must be logged in to view stuff and things</h3>
<?php }