
时间:2015-09-07 22:51:11

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          <div id="content">
      <h1>Recognition</h1><hr color="darkgrey">
                  <div id="recognition-description-container">
      <h2>Winner of Mini Mania, Inc. 2014 Classic Mini Calendar Competition - December 2014, January 2015.</h2>
      <p>I received notification that two out of a possible three images that were sent had been chosen for the final vote by the general public. The vote was created on Facebook, with two images for each month to choose between.</p>
      <p>My photographs were in the final for the Cover and for December. December was a clear win, but the Cover votes were so close that they decided to use the other entry as the Cover Photograph and mine as January for their 2015 MiniMania Calendar.</p>
                      <p id="calendar-images">
                          <img src="_images/_recognition/mini-mania-calendar-front.jpg" width="41%" alt="Mini Mania Calendar Front"><img src="_images/_recognition/mini-mania-calendar-back.jpg" width="41%" alt="Mini Mania Calendar Back"></p>
      <h2>Featured in Mini Magazine.</h2>
      <p>In every magazine, they feature a select few of the fan's cars, so I decided to send some photographs to them. They were very impressed and asked for some words to go with the images so it could be published in their magazine.</p>
      <div class="recognition-images">
          <img src="_images/_recognition/mini-magazine.PNG" width="80%" alt="Mini Magazine">
      <h2>Featured in British Mini Club's Magazine.</h2>
      <p>After I had sent a photograph for my latest membership card to the British Mini Club, the owner of the club loved the photograph I had sent them and said that my Mini would “make a great feature in the clubs magazine”. I therefore sent more photographs to them to be published with a few words from myself.</p>
      <img src="_images/_recognition/bmc-magazine.jpg" width=80% alt="British Mini Club Magazine">
        <p>&copy; Macast Designs | All rights reserved</p>
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