
时间:2015-09-07 08:36:43

标签: haskell types event-sourcing


class Model a where
   data Event a :: * 
   apply :: Event a -> a -> a

instance Model Foo where
   data Event Foo = Foo Int

instance Model Bar where
   data Event Bar = Bar String

目前系统是100%同步和耦合的,每个模型都可以访问所有其他模型的事件,这很快变得一团糟,所以我想通过引入事件总线来解耦Bus Events以这种方式,我应该能够写出类似的东西 假设在dispatch :: Bus Events -> Consumer (Event Foo) -> Bus EventsEvent Foo之间存在某种形式的子类型或包含,Bus EventsEvent Foo的某些消费者附加到Events。 然后我可以通过确保消费者每个人都在自己的线程中运行来添加异步性。

从系统的角度来看,这将允许我确保每个组件都是可独立包装的,从而将依赖性限制在所有事件的子集中。 Events类型将在整个应用程序级别定义。 这个问题看起来与离散时间的FRP类似,但我似乎无法绕过它......



我提出了以下代码,它没有使用Source,但受到@ Cirdec的提议的启发:

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Vector            as V

type Handlers e = V.Vector (Handler e)

data EventBus e = EventBus { handlers    :: Handlers e
                           , eventQueue  :: TChan e
                           , eventThread :: MVar ThreadId

newBus :: IO (EventBus e)
newBus = do
  chan <- newTChanIO
  var <- newEmptyMVar
  return $ EventBus V.empty chan var

addHandler :: Handler e -> EventBus e -> EventBus e
addHandler h b@EventBus{..} = b { handlers = V.snoc handlers h }

removeHandler :: Int -> EventBus e -> EventBus e
removeHandler idx b@EventBus{..} = b { handlers = let (h,t) = V.splitAt idx handlers
                                                  in h V.++ V.tail t }

startBus :: EventBus e -> IO (EventBus e)
startBus b@EventBus{..} = do
  tid <- forkIO (runBus b)
  putMVar eventThread tid
  return b

runBus :: EventBus e -> IO ()
runBus b@EventBus{..} = do
  _ <- takeMVar eventThread
  forever $ do
    e <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTChan eventQueue
    v <- newTVarIO b
    runReaderT (runEvents $ publish e) v

-- | A monad to handle pub/sub of events of type @e@
newtype Events e a = Events { runEvents :: ReaderT (TVar (EventBus e)) IO a }
                   deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader (TVar (EventBus e)))

newtype Handler e = Handler { handle :: Events e ()                 -- Unsubscription function
                                     -> Events e (e -> Events e ())  -- what to do with events @e@

-- | Register a new @Handler e@ within given @Events e@ context
subscribe :: Handler e -> Events e ()
subscribe h = do
  bus <- ask
  liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' bus (addHandler h)

unsubscribe :: Int -> Events e ()
unsubscribe idx = do
  bus <- ask
  liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' bus (removeHandler idx)

publishBus :: EventBus e -> e -> IO ()
publishBus EventBus{..} = atomically . writeTChan eventQueue

publish :: e -> Events e ()
publish event = do
  EventBus{..} <- ask >>= liftIO . atomically . readTVar
  forM_ (zip (V.toList handlers) [0..]) (dispatch event)

dispatch :: e -> (Handler e, Int) -> Events e ()
dispatch event (Handler h, idx) = do
  hdl <- h (unsubscribe idx)
  hdl event

printer :: (Show s) => String -> Handler s
printer prefix = Handler ( \ _ -> return $ \ e -> liftIO (putStrLn $ prefix ++ show e))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


type Source m a = (a -> m ()) -> m (m ())
                   |             |  ^--- how to unsubscribe             
                   |             ^--- how to subscribe
                   ^--- what to do when an `a` happens


type Handler m a = (Source m a             ) -> m ()
                 = ((a -> m ()) -> m (m ())) -> m ()
                                                ^-- set up the consumer.


type Handler m a = m () -> m (a -> m ())
                   |       |  ^-- what to do when an `a` happens
                   |       ^-- set up the consumer
                   ^-- how to unsubscribe


type Source m a = (Handler m a          ) -> m ()
                = (m () -> m (a -> m ())) -> m ()
                                             ^-- how to subscribe