我需要帮助。 我花了至少一天时间进行实验并且没有生产 这个非常简单的声音应用程序。
PTT(按键通话)表示任何键开始录音,任何键都会停止录音。 我想组建一个录制的口语句子库。 从:
我预计LLOC应该只有十几行或两行。 这是一个失败的实验框架代码:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This class is here just to support keyboard input.
from sys import (stdin, stdout)
from atexit import (register)
from select import (select)
from termios import (tcgetattr, tcsetattr, ICANON, ECHO, TCSAFLUSH)
class Raw(object):
def __init__(self):
self.fd = stdin.fileno()
self.org = tcgetattr(self.fd)
self.raw = tcgetattr(self.fd)
self.raw[3] = (self.raw[3] & ~ICANON & ~ECHO)
def set_normal_term(self): tcsetattr(self.fd, TCSAFLUSH, self.org)
def set_curses_term(self): tcsetattr(self.fd, TCSAFLUSH, self.raw)
def putch(self, ch): stdout.write(ch)
def getch(self): return stdin.read(1)
def getche(self): ch = getch(); putch(ch); return ch
def kbhit(self): dr,dw,de = select([stdin], [], [], 0); return dr <> []
def __enter__(self): self.set_curses_term(); return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.set_normal_term()
# This is the PTT recorder code.
from pysox import (CSoxStream, CSignalInfo)
def prompt(sentence, filename):
print 'Hit any key to start recording. Hit any key to stop recording.'
with Raw() as raw:
print 'Say: "%s".' % (sentence)
while not raw.kbhit(): pass
print 'Start'
outfile = CSoxStream(filename,'w', CSignalInfo(48000,2,32))
# Signal is to be collected until kbhit()
while not raw.kbhit(): pass
print 'Stop'
# This is the CLI to drive the PTT recorder code.
if __name__ == "__main__":
prefix, ext = ['sentence', 'wav']
sentences = ["hello world", "klatu barada nikto", "fubar" ]
for sentence in sentences:
filename = prefix + '.' + sentence.replace(' ', '.') + "." + ext
prompt(sentence, filename)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This class is here just to support keyboard input.
from atexit import (register)
from select import (select)
from termios import (tcgetattr, tcsetattr, ICANON, ECHO, TCSAFLUSH)
class Raw(object):
def __init__(self):
self.fd = stdin.fileno()
self.org, self.raw = (tcgetattr(self.fd), tcgetattr(self.fd))
self.raw[3] = (self.raw[3] & ~ICANON & ~ECHO)
def set_normal_term(self): tcsetattr(self.fd, TCSAFLUSH, self.org)
def set_curses_term(self): tcsetattr(self.fd, TCSAFLUSH, self.raw)
def getch(self): return stdin.read(1)
def kbhit(self): dr,dw,de = select([stdin], [], [], 0); return dr <> []
def __enter__(self): self.set_curses_term(); return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.set_normal_term()
# This function handles prompts and keywaits
from sys import (stdin, stdout)
def prompt(pre, s, post):
print '%s: "%s". Press any key to %s. \r' % (pre, s, post),
with Raw() as raw:
while not raw.kbhit(): pass
print ' '*79+'\r',
# This is the PTT recorder code.
from subprocess import (Popen, PIPE)
from signal import (SIGTERM)
from os import (kill)
def collect(sentence):
filename = prefix + '.' + sentence.replace(' ', '.') + "." + ext
command = 'rec -q -r 16000 -b 16 -c 1 %s trim 0 2:00' % (filename)
prompt('Preparing', sentence, 'start')
pid = Popen(command.split(), stderr=PIPE).pid
prompt('Recording', sentence, 'stop')
kill(pid, SIGTERM)
# This is the CLI to drive the PTT recorder code.
if __name__ == "__main__":
prefix, ext = ['sentence', 'wav']
sentences = ["hello world", "klatu barada nikto", "fubar" ]
print 'The following recordings must take less than 2 minutes of speech.'
for sentence in sentences: