
时间:2015-09-06 17:14:11

标签: c++ templates


template<typename T>
struct Constifier
  typedef T Type;

template<typename T>
struct Constifier<T &>
  typedef const T &Type;

template<typename T>
struct Constifier<T &&>
  typedef const T &&Type;

template<typename T>
struct Constifier<T *>
  typedef const T *Type;

template<typename F>
struct ReturnType;

template<typename R, typename ...Ts>
struct ReturnType<R (*)(Ts ...ts)>
  typedef R Type;

template<typename R, typename T, typename ...Ts>
struct ReturnType<R (T::*)(Ts ...ts)>
  typedef R Type;

template<typename T, typename F, typename ...Ts>
auto callConstVersion(const T *t, F f, Ts ...ts)
  return const_cast<typename Constifier<typename ReturnType<F>::Type>::Type>((const_cast<T *>(t)->*f)(ts...));

struct A
  A *p;
  A *get() {return p;}
  const A *get() const {return callConstVersion(this, &A::get);}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


static_cast<const A*(A::*)() const>(&A::get) // for the const overload

static_cast<A*(A::*)()>(&A::get) // for the non-const overload


callConstVersion<A,A*(A::*)()>(this, &A::get);


template<typename T, typename R, typename... Args, typename ...Ts>
auto callConstVersion(const T *t, R(T::*f)(Args...), Ts ...ts)

(然后普通callConstVersion(this, &A::get)应该有用)。