错误5151单词无法阅读此文档。它可能是腐败的。 请尝试下列办法中的一个或多个“打开并修复文件”。 “打开 文件恢复转换器的文件。 (C:\ Documents and Settings \ JHON Clarence \ Desktop \ * .docx)“
Private Sub cmdopen_Click()
Dim nAns As Long
Dim objFile As String
Dim objpath As String
Dim objname As String
objpath = Dir1.Path & "\"
objname = "*.docx"
objFile = objpath & objname
nAns = MsgBox("Please confirm to open file ' " & objFile & "'?'", vbQuestion & vbYesNo)
If nAns = vbYes Then
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(objFile)
End If
End Sub
调试突出显示Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(objFile)
我有一个预感,问题是关于objname = "*.docx"