我在这里遇到很多麻烦。我需要将代码与以下Driver class
以及Decimal class
,Menu class
,Binary class
和Hexadecimal class
进行匹配。如下所示Driver class
,我写了Decimal class
对象和其他方法将所有输出发送到csis.txt。 Eclipse中Decimal dec = new Decimal(pw);
中使用Decimal class
这是我需要使用的Driver's class
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Driver {
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException{
int choice;
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("csis.txt"));
Decimal dec = new Decimal(pw);
Binary bin = new Binary(pw);
Hexadecimal hex = new Hexadecimal(pw);
Menu menu = new Menu(pw);
do {
choice = menu.getSelection();
switch (choice) {
case 1: dec.decToBin(); break;
case 2: dec.decToHex(); break;
case 3: bin.binToDec(); break;
case 4: bin.binToHex(); break;
case 5: hex.hexToDec(); break;
case 6: hex.hexToBin(); break;
}while (choice != 7);
pw.print("Sends to output file.");
pw.println("Sends to output file with linefeed.");
这是Decimal class
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;
public class Decimal{
Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);
int inDec;
int num;
int rem;//remainder
private PrintWriter pw;
public Decimal(PrintWriter pw) {
this.pw = pw;
//Allows user to type in a positive decimal number
public void inputDec(){
System.out.println("Enter a positive decimal number. I will convert into a binary number.");
inDec = kb.nextInt();
num = inDec;
//converts decimal into binary
public void decToBin(){
if (num < 0){
System.out.println("Error. You should put a positive decimal number.");
else if (num == 0){
System.out.println("0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000");
int binary[] = new int[32];
for(int j=0; num>0; j++){
binary[j] = num%2;
num = num/2;
for(int j=31; j>=0; j--){
System.out.print(" ");
//Allows user to type in a positive decimal number
public void inputHex(){
System.out.println("Enter a positive decimal number. I will convert into a hexadecimal number.");
inDec = kb.nextInt();
num = inDec;
//converts decimal into hexadecimal
public void decToHex(){
String str="";
char hex[]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};