我们正在使用TweenMax和Scroll Magic的组合来实现汽车行驶的道路效果
如果你向下滚动然后稍微向上滚动,你会注意到汽车继续沿着道路行驶但反过来。这是因为汽车的方向与鼠标的最后滚动方向相关联。 我们希望通过以下功能来改进汽车在网站上的驾驶方式。我已经使用过Psudo Code,因为我认为我想到的逻辑是正确的我只是不知道正确的命令/函数/语法。当然,如果有人有更优雅的建议,我会全力以赴。
Var CarDirection =“S” - 车辆方向设置为南
Upon Mouse Scroll()
VehicleYPosition = Get Current Object Position() // This is the current location of the car on the page. even if it is mid tween.
ScrollYPosition = Get Current Scroll Position() // This tells us where the scroll is currently on the page. I know this relates to scroll magic but if you can advise on this too it would be really appreciated.
If MouseScroll = Up AND CarDirection = “S” AND VehicleYPosition + 20 < ScrollYPosition{
Stop Current Tween ()
RunFigure8 Tween (CarDirection) // this would consist of using the car’s current position and direction to drive in a figure 8 motion to turn the car around (see http://rit-team.ru/)
CarDirection = “N” // Change the orientation of the car
RunRegularTweenFunction() // The car will then continue driving to the correct scroll location
If MouseScroll = Down AND CarDirection = “N” AND VehicleYPosition - 20 > ScrollYPosition{
Stop Current Tween ()
RunFigure8 Tween (CarDirection)
CarDirection = “S”