
时间:2015-09-03 16:58:20

标签: gnuplot


enter image description here



set key outside



set term pdf size 10,8 font "Arial,44"
set output "plot/bzip-ropbase-mix.pdf"
set size ratio 0.6
#set multiplot layout 1,1
set datafile separator ","
set offset 0, 0, 0, 0
set xtics norangelimit
set ytics nomirror
set termoption dashed
set ylabel "Gagdet Elimination Rate (%)"
set xlabel "Iteration"
set key bottom right
set yrange [0:110]
set style data linespoints
set key vertical maxrows 5
plot 'plot/bzip-ropbase-data.csv' using 11:xtic((int($0)%4)==0?   sprintf("%d", $0*50):"") title columnheader(11) pt 4 lw 1, \
'' using 12 title columnheader(12) pt 5 lw 4 ps .8 lc rgb "#4169E1", \
'' using 13 title columnheader(13) pt 6 lw 4 ps .8 lc rgb "#DAA520", \
'' using 14 title columnheader(14) pt 7 lw 4 ps .8 lc rgb "#FF7F50", \
'' using 15 title columnheader(15) pt 8 lw 4 ps .8 lc 7


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set multiplot
set xrange [0:2.*pi]

# Set the margins
set lmargin at screen 0.1; set rmargin at screen 0.98
set tmargin at screen 0.8; set bmargin at screen 0.1

# Disable drawing borders and tics
unset border; unset tics

# Set position of the legend
set key tmargin

# Draw the first batch of stuff
plot cos(x) lc 1

# Enable drawing borders and tics
set border; set tics

# Set position of the legend
set key inside

# Draw the second batch of stuff
plot sin(x) lc 2

enter image description here