
时间:2015-09-03 15:04:10

标签: excel excel-vba loops vba

我在两个工作簿中循环工作表。如果两本书中都有匹配的工作表,我会将一个范围从一本书转移到另一本书。 (这在下面说明。)

我也在跟踪哪本工作表出现在一本书而不是另一本书(导致没有转移),这是我遇到问题的地方。我只对包含" - "并将我的集合放在条件但不包含" - "仍在增加。


For Each ws In lastWB.Worksheets

    Set lastWS = ws
    lastName = lastWS.Name

        For Each s In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets

            If InStr(1, s.Name, "-") Then
                If s.Name = lastName And s.Range("C3").Value <> "5860" Then
                    Debug.Print lastName
                    's.Range("C14:O48").Value = lastWS.Range("C14:O48").Value
                    skippedAct.Add lastName 'still adding sheets that do not contain "-"
                End If
            End If



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

请注意Instr函数不返回Boolean(True / False)。相反,它返回Integer,其中包含找到的值的位置。所以,尝试使用类似的东西:

If InStr(1, s.Name, "-") > 0 Then

答案 1 :(得分:1)

您的嵌套循环可能会令人困惑,我认为这是您的问题的根源,如OP上的评论中所述:只要lastName返回{Instr,就会在集合中添加False { {1}},但由于您正在lastWB中检查ThisWorkbook中每张工作表中Function SheetExists(sName as String, wb as Workbook) 'Function which will check the presence of a sheet in a given workbook Dim ret On Error Resume Next Set ret = wb.Worksheets(sName) SheetExists = (Err.Number = 0) End Function 中的每张工作表,您都会收到意外结果。


For each s in ThisWOrkbook.Worksheets

摆脱嵌套循环,然后执行 For Each s In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If InStr(1, s.Name, "-") Then If SheetExists(s.Name, lastWB) And s.Range("C3").Value <> "5860" Then s.Range("C14:O48").Value = lastWB.Worksheets(s.Name).Range("C14:O48").Value Else skippedAct.Add s.Name 'still adding sheets that do not contain "-" End If End If Next ,如下所示:


答案 2 :(得分:1)

For Each ws In lastWB.Worksheets

    Set lastWS = ws
    lastName = lastWS.Name

    'if lastWG has "-", skip it.
    If InStr(1, lastName, "-") Then
        For Each s In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
            'If the names match, move forward (any with a "-" will have already been skipped)
            If s.Name = lastName And s.Range("C3").Value <> "5860" Then
                Debug.Print lastName
                's.Range("C14:O48").Value = lastWS.Range("C14:O48").Value
                'If lastName does not have "-" and does not match the current sheet, log it
                skippedAct.Add lastName
            End If
    End If


Dim logLast as Boolean
For Each ws In lastWB.Worksheets

    Set lastWS = ws
    lastName = lastWS.Name

    'if lastName has "-", skip it.
    If InStr(1, lastName, "-") Then
        LogLast = True
        For Each s In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
            'If the names match, move forward (any with a "-" will have already been skipped)
            If s.Name = lastName And s.Range("C3").Value <> "5860" Then
                logLast = False                   
                Debug.Print lastName
                's.Range("C14:O48").Value = lastWS.Range("C14:O48").Value
            End If
        If logLast then skippedAct.Add lastName
    End If