Gradle / Groovy闭包范围混乱

时间:2015-09-03 14:50:33

标签: groovy gradle

我是Gradle / Groovy的新手,并且在嵌套闭包中遇到了变量名称解析的问题。我有一个定义一些属性的自定义任务类,我使用闭包实例化该类型的潜在多个任务。这个闭包定义了一个名为与自定义任务类中的一个属性相同的变量,并且我遇到了一些奇怪的行为,这似乎违背了Groovy语言指南中定义的内容。有人可以回答下面代码中的问题吗?

class Something extends DefaultTask {
    def thing = "a"
def thing = "b" // produces the error message:
                // > Could not find method b() for arguments [build_63hfhkn4xq8gcqdsf98mf9qak$_run_closure1@70805a56] on root project 'gradle-test'.
                // ...why?
(1..1).each {
    def thing = "c"
    task ("someTask${it}", type: Something) {
        println resolveStrategy == Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST // prints "true"
        println delegate.class // prints "class Something_Decorated"
        println thing // prints "c" shouldn't this be "a" since it's using DELEGATE_FIRST?
        println owner.thing // produces the error message:
                            // > Could not find property 'thing' on root project 'gradle-test'
                            // shouldn't the "owner" of this closure be the enclosing closure?
                            // in that case shouldn't this resolve to "c"

修改 出于某种原因,将所有def更改为String然后又回到def后,我无法复制产生该奇怪错误的def thing = "b"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 重命名闭包中定义的thing变量。

  2. 通过thing明确提及delegate

    println delegate.thing