Python 3.4 Tkinter - 滞后

时间:2015-09-03 07:35:58

标签: python tkinter lag


from tkinter import *
import time
import threading
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import random

points = []
matrix = []


def __init__(self): = Tk()"Pac-man")
    self.canvas = Canvas(, width = 800, height = 700, bg = 'black')
    self.Pac = Pacman(self.canvas, 'yellow')
    self.Blinky = Ghost(self.canvas, 'red')
    self.score = 0
    self.scoreid = Label(,
                    text = "SCORE: {0}".format(self.score), bg = 'yellow', fg = 'black')
    for wall in outerWall: 
        self.drawWall(wall[0], wall[1], wall[2], wall[3])
        self.drawWall(800 - wall[0], wall[1], 800 - wall[2], wall[3])

    for wall in WierdWalls: 
        self.drawWall(wall[0], wall[1], wall[2], wall[3])
        self.drawWall(800 - wall[0], wall[1], 800 - wall[2], wall[3])

    for wall in BaseOfGhost:
        self.drawWall(wall[0], wall[1], wall[2], wall[3])
        self.drawWall(800 - wall[0], wall[1], 800 - wall[2], wall[3])
    self.canvas.create_line(350, 270, 450, 270, width = 5, fill = 'yellow')

    for wall in squareWalls: 
        self.drawSquareWall(wall[0], wall[1], wall[2], wall[3])
        self.drawSquareWall(800 - wall[0], wall[1], 800 - wall[2], wall[3])

    self.running = True

def drawWall(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, width = 3, color = 'blue'):
    self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, width = width, fill = color)

def drawSquareWall(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, width = 2, color = 'black'):
    self.canvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill = color)
    self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y0, width = width, fill = 'blue')
    self.canvas.create_line(x1, y0, x1, y1, width = width, fill = 'blue')
    self.canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x0, y1, width = width, fill = 'blue')
    self.canvas.create_line(x0, y1, x0, y0, width = width, fill = 'blue')

def drawPoints(self):
    self.BuildHorizontalPath(40, 40, 13, 26)
    self.BuildVerticalPath(40, 40, 9, 16)
    self.BuildHorizontalPath(66, 168, 4, 26)
    self.BuildHorizontalPath(66, 104, 4, 26)
    self.BuildVerticalPath(170, 56, 8, 16)
    self.BuildVerticalPath(170, 192, 18, 24)
    self.BuildHorizontalPath(196, 104, 8, 26)
    self.BuildVerticalPath(352, 56, 3, 16)
    self.BuildHorizontalPath(40, 456, 5, 26)
    self.BuildHorizontalPath(40, 600, 5, 26)
    self.BuildVerticalPath(40, 472, 4, 16)
    self.BuildHorizontalPath(66, 520, 2, 26)
    self.BuildVerticalPath(92, 536, 4, 16 )
    self.BuildVerticalPath(40, 600, 4, 18)
    self.BuildHorizontalPath(66, 654, 12, 27)
    self.BuildHorizontalPath(200, 527, 7, 27)
    self.BuildHorizontalPath(200, 456, 7, 27)
    self.BuildVerticalPath (362, 472, 3, 18)
    self.BuildVerticalPath (274, 135, 3, 20)
    self.BuildHorizontalPath (292, 175, 4, 18)
    self.BuildVerticalPath (254, 550, 3, 20)
    self.BuildHorizontalPath (274, 591, 5, 22)
    self.BuildVerticalPath (363, 611, 2, 20)

def BuildHorizontalPath(self, val1, val2, number, increment = 25, delta = 8):
    x, y = val1, val2
    itemid1 = 0
    itemid2 = 0
    for i in range(number):
        deltax = x + delta
        deltay = y + delta
        itemid1 = self.canvas.create_oval(x, y, deltax, deltay, fill = 'white')
        itemid2 = self.canvas.create_oval(800-x, y, 800-deltax, deltay, fill = 'white')
        points.append([(deltax + x)/2, (deltay + y)/2, itemid1])
        points.append([800-(deltax + x)/2, (deltay+y)/2, itemid2])
        x += increment

def BuildVerticalPath(self, val1, val2, number, increment = 30, delta = 8):
    itemid1 = 0
    itemid2 = 0
    for i in range(number):
        x, y = val1, val2
        deltax = x + delta
        deltay = y + delta
        itemid1 = self.canvas.create_oval(x, y, deltax, deltay, fill = 'white')
        itemid2 = self.canvas.create_oval(800-x, y, 800-deltax, deltay, 
            fill = 'white')
        points.append([(deltax + x)/2, (deltay + y)/2, itemid1])
        points.append([800-(deltax + x)/2, (deltay + y)/2, itemid2])
        val2 += increment

def mainloop(self):
    while 1:
        if self.running:
            first_moment = round(time.time())
            if not self.Pac.hitwall():
                self.Pac.canvas.move(, self.Pac.x, self.Pac.y)
            if self.Pac.feed():
                self.score = self.score + 10
                self.scoreid.config(text = "SCORE: {0}".format(self.score))
            if self.Pac.first_teleport():
                self.Pac.canvas.move(, 760, 0)

            if self.Pac.second_teleport():
                self.Pac.canvas.move(, -760, 0)

            if not self.Blinky.hitwall():
                self.Blinky.canvas.move(, self.Blinky.x, self.Blinky.y)
            if self.Blinky.hitwall():

            last_moment = round(time.time())
            s = 0.01 - (last_moment - first_moment)
            if s >= 0:

def __init__(self, canvas, color):
    self.canvas = canvas = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 35, 35, fill = color)
    self.canvas.move(, 400, 375)
    self.x = 0
    self.y = 0
    self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Left>', self.turn_left)
    self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Right>', self.turn_right)
    self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Up>', self.go_up)
    self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyPress-Down>', self.go_down)
    self.canvas.bind_all('<KeyRelease>', self.stop)
    #self.canvas.bind_all(self.hitwall, self.stop)

def feed(self):
    pos = self.canvas.coords(
    for point in points:
        if  point[0] >= pos[0] and point[0] <= pos[2]:
            if point[1] >= pos[1] and point[1] <= pos[3]:
                return True
        if  point[1] >= pos[1] and point[1] <= pos[3]:
            if point[0] >= pos[0] and point[0] <= pos[2]:
                return True
    return False

def stop(self, event):
    self.x = 0
    self.y = 0

def turn_left(self, event):
    self.x = -2

def turn_right(self, event):
    self.x = 2

def go_up(self, event):
    self.y = -2

def go_down(self, event):
    self.y = 2

def draw(self):
    self.canvas.move(, self.x, self.y)

def hitwall(self):
    pos = self.canvas.coords(
    pos[0] += self.x
    pos[1] += self.y
    pos[2] += self.x
    pos[3] += self.y
    for wall in squareWalls:
        if pos[1] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
            if pos[0] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
                return True
            if pos[2] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
                return True
        elif pos[3] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
            if pos[0] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
                return True
            if pos[2] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
                return True
        if pos[1] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
            if pos[0] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[0]<= 800 - wall[0]:
                return True
            if pos[2] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[2]<= 800 - wall[0]:
                return True
        elif pos[3] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
            if pos[0] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[0]<= 800 - wall[0]:
                return True
            if pos[2] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[2]<= 800 - wall[0]:
                return True

    for wall in outerWall:
        if pos[1] > 90 and pos[3] < 680:

            if pos[0] <= wall[0] and pos[0] <= wall[2]:
                if pos[1] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
                    return True

            if pos[2] <= wall[0] and pos[2] <=wall[2]:
                if pos[3] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
                    return True

        if pos[3] > 680 or pos[1] < 20:
            return True

        if pos[1] > 20 and pos[1] < 90:
            if pos[0] < 20:
                return True
            if pos[2] > 780:
                return True
            if pos[2] > 385 and pos[2] < 415:
                return True
            if pos[0] > 385 and pos[0] < 415:
                return True

        if pos[1] > 90 and pos[3] < 680:

            if pos[0] >= 800 - wall[0] and pos[0] >= 800 - wall[2]:
                if pos[1] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
                    return True

            if pos[2] >= 800 - wall[0] and pos[2] >= 800 - wall[2]:
                if pos[3] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
                    return True

    for wall in list_of_walls:
        if pos[1] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
            if pos[0] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
                return True
            if pos[2] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
                return True
        elif pos[3] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
            if pos[0] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
                return True
            if pos[2] in range(wall[0], wall[2]):
                return True
        if pos[1] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
            if pos[0] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[0]<= 800 - wall[0]:
                return True
            if pos[2] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[2]<= 800 - wall[0]:
                return True
        elif pos[3] in range(wall[1], wall[3]):
            if pos[0] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[0]<= 800 - wall[0]:
                return True
            if pos[2] >= 800 - wall[2] and pos[2]<= 800 - wall[0]:
                return True

    return False 

def first_teleport(self):
    pos = self.canvas.coords(
    if pos[1] > 290 and pos[1] < 350:
        if pos[0] < 0:
            return True
    return False

def second_teleport(self):
    pos = self.canvas.coords(
    if pos[3] > 290 and pos[3] < 350:
        if pos[2] > 800:
            return True
    return False

class Menu():

def __init__(self):
    self.m = Tk()
    image1 ="/home/tano/The_Pac-man_game/pacman.jpg")
    photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image1)
    label1 = Label(self.m, image = photo )
    label1.image = photo
    play_button = Button(self.m,text="Play", command = self.Play).pack()
    exit_button = Button(self.m,text="Exit", command = self.Exit).pack()

def Play(self):
    g = Game()

def Exit(self):

def mainloop(self):
    while 1:


def __init__(self, canvas, color):
    self.canvas = canvas = canvas.create_oval(10, 10, 35, 35, fill = color)
    self.canvas.move(, 350, 220)
    self.x = -2
    self.y = 0

def movement(self):
    if self.x > 0:
    if self.x < 0:
    if self.y > 0:
    if self.y < 0:

def change_direction(self):
    z = random.randrange(1, 4)
    if z == 1:
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 2
    elif z == 2:
        self.x = 2
        self.y = 0
    elif z == 3:
        self.x = 0
        self.y = -2
    elif z == 4:
        self.x = -2
        self.y = 0

outerWall = [ [5, 5, 5, 200], [5, 5, 400, 5], [20, 20, 20, 200],
[20, 20, 385, 20], [5, 200, 5, 215], [20, 200, 150, 200], [5, 215, 135, 215], [135, 215, 135, 275],[150, 200, 150, 290], [135, 215, 135, 275], [5, 290, 150, 290], [5, 275, 135, 275], [5, 350, 150, 350], [5, 365, 135, 365],
[150, 350, 150, 440] , [135, 365, 135, 425], [20, 440, 150, 440], [5, 425, 135, 425], [5, 425, 5, 695], [20, 440, 20, 545], [20, 575, 20, 680], [20, 545, 60, 545], [20, 575, 60, 575], [60, 545, 60, 575], [5, 695, 795, 695], [385, 20, 385, 90], [385, 90, 400, 90], [20, 680, 780, 680]]

squareWalls = [[60, 60, 150, 90], [200, 60, 340, 90], [60, 130, 150, 150], [200, 350, 240, 440], [200, 490, 340, 510]]

BaseOfGhost = [[300, 270, 300, 370], [310, 280, 310, 360], [300, 270, 350, 270], [300, 370, 400, 370], [310, 360, 400, 360], [310, 280, 350, 280],[350, 280, 350, 270] ]

WierdWalls = [[300, 140, 500, 140], [500, 140, 500, 160], [500, 160, 410, 160],[300, 140, 300, 160], [300, 160, 390, 160], [390, 160, 390, 220], [410, 160, 410, 220], [390, 220, 410 , 220], [560, 140, 560, 200], [600, 140, 600, 290], [560, 200, 480, 200], [480, 200, 480, 220], [480, 220, 560, 220], [560, 220, 560, 290], [560, 290, 600, 290], [560, 140, 600, 140], [150, 480, 150, 575], [150, 480, 60, 480], [60, 480, 60, 500], [60, 500, 130, 500], [130, 500, 130, 575], [130, 575, 150, 575], [300, 440, 390, 440 ], [300, 440, 300, 420], [300, 420, 500, 420], [390, 440, 390, 510], [390, 510, 410, 510],[300, 580, 390, 580 ], [300, 580, 300, 550], [300, 550, 500, 550], [390, 580, 390, 640], [390, 640, 410, 640], [60, 640, 340, 640], [60, 640, 60, 620], [60, 620, 200, 620], [200, 620, 200, 550], [200, 550, 220, 550,],[220, 550, 220, 620], [220, 620, 340, 620], [340, 620, 340, 640] ] 

list_of_walls = [[300,140,500,160],[390,160,410,220], [560,140,600,290],[560,200,480,220], [240,200,320,220],[240,140,200,290],[150,480,130,575], [650,480,670,575], [150,480,60,500], [650,480,740,500], [300,420,500,440], [390,440,410,510], [300,550,500,580], [390,580,410,640], [60,620,340,640], [460,620,740,640], [200,550,220,620], [580,550,600, 620], [300, 270, 400, 370]]

m = Menu()

我担心的是这个函数hitwall()是否太大,因为到目前为止我在这个主循环中使用它两次,我需要两倍以上...... 如果有人帮我找到解决这个问题的方法,我会很高兴,因为这个项目对我来说非常重要。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


使用这样的列表,只需查看与hitwall()当前所在区域相对应的墙(并忽略其他区域列表中的区域),即可加快Pacman。如果墙壁是随机分布的,并且Pacman完全位于其中一个象限内,这将减少所需的比较次数显着 - 多达75%。

答案 1 :(得分:1)






def animate(self):

    <all of the code for updating the display>

    self.after(30, self.animate)

您可以在一些地方使用def animate(self): if self.running: if not self.Pac.hitwall(): self.Pac.canvas.move(, self.Pac.x, self.Pac.y) if self.Pac.feed(): self.score = self.score + 10 self.scoreid.config(text = "SCORE: {0}".format(self.score)) if self.Pac.first_teleport(): self.Pac.canvas.move(, 760, 0) if self.Pac.second_teleport(): self.Pac.canvas.move(, -760, 0) if not self.Blinky.hitwall(): self.Blinky.canvas.move(, self.Blinky.x, self.Blinky.y) if self.Blinky.hitwall(): self.Blinky.change_direction() self.after(30, self.animate) 来减少计算量。例如,如果else返回hitwall(),则可能无需再调用True,对吧?并且,如果pacman击中第一个传送,那么就不需要检查它是否在第二个传送中。正确使用feed()后,您可以将计算量减少三分之一或更多。
