I am having a strange issue with Corona SDK. I have an egg style catching game where you collect items and avoid certain objects. The player is moved left and right with an accelerometer and objects fall from the sky. The game runs well, except for a major flaw: when the dangerous objects hit the initial player's location (where the player is spawned - x = 160, y = display.contentHeight - 40), collision is detected among the player and the object. As a result there is a ghost effect happening when objects drop to x = 160 (+ or - the width of the player / 2).
The player object:
local createChar = function()
charObject = display.newImageRect( "charSprite.png", y/9, y/9 )
physics.addBody( charObject, "static", { density=1.0, bounce=0.4, friction=0.15, radius=20, shape=basketShape} )
charObject.x = -100; charObject.y = y - ground.contentHeight - y/22
charObject.rotation = 0
charObject.isHit = false
charObject.myName = "character"
fishDead = display.newImageRect( "fishdead.png", y/20, y/20 )
fishDead.alpha = 1.0
fishDead.isVisible = false
gameGroup:insert( charObject )
The dangerous sea lion object is created through a timer (every 3 seconds). This is the code for each time interval
local sealionDrop = function()
if gameIsActive == true then
local sealion = display.newImageRect( "sealion.png", y / 11, y / 11 )
sealion.x = 40 + mRand( x - 55 ); sealion.y = -100
sealion.isHit = false
physics.addBody( sealion, "dynamic",{ density=20, bounce=0, friction=1, shape=sealionShape } )
sealion.isFixedRotation = true
gameGroup:insert( sealion )
sealion.gravityScale = sealionSpeed
sealion.postCollision = onLionCollision
sealion:addEventListener( "postCollision", sealion )
Here is my collision code between the player and the dangerous "sealion" object:
local onLionCollision = function( self, event )
if event.other.myName == "character" and charObject.x == self.x then
hit = timer.performWithDelay( 1, characterHit, 2 )
self.isHit = true
self.parent:remove( self )
self = nil
elseif event.other.myName == "ground" then
print("ground hit")
self.isHit = true
self.parent:remove( self )
self = nil
if gameLives < 1 then
timer.cancel( startLionDrop )
print("timer cancelled")
If someone could help figure out this weird ghost effect, that would be amazing. Thank you!