IndexSearcher s = manager.acquire();
try {
// Do searching, doc retrieval, etc. with s
} finally {
// Do not use s after this!
s = null;
因此,搜索后应该释放对象而不再使用它。 但是SearcherLifetimeManager需要在内部Map中存储indexsearcher,然后得到它:
long token = mgr.record(searcher);
IndexSearcher searcher = mgr.acquire(token);
如何将这两种方法结合使用而不是破坏 订购API调用?
答案 0 :(得分:3)
// Boxed Long, can be null to mean that you might not have a token.
// You could also use Optional or something similar.
Long tokenFromRequest;
// Might be the same as the incoming token or a new one.
Long tokenToReturn;
IndexSearcher is;
if (tokenFromRequest == null) { // no previous token, need a new one
is = manager.acquire(); // get searcher from SearcherManager
tokenToReturn = mgr.record(is); // get a fresh token for this searcher
} else {
is = mgr.acquire(tokenFromRequest); // try to get the recorded searcher
if (is != null) { // token is valid
tokenToReturn = tokenFromRequest;
} else {
is = manager.acquire(); // get searcher from SearcherManager
tokenToReturn = mgr.record(is); // get a token for this searcher
try {
// Do searching, doc retrieval, etc. with is
} finally {
if (tokenToReturn == tokenFromRequest) {
// token was valid, we need to release the searcher
// to the LifetimeManager, the SearcherManager had
// nothing to do with this IndexSearcher
} else {
// we got this searcher from SearcherManager,
// the LifetimeManager records its usage as well and
// we need to release it to show that _we_ are finished
// using it, otherwise it would be kept open forever
// Do not use is after this!
is = null;
//return tokenToReturn to user to be sent with the next request