是否有人将私有GitHub存储库安装到kubernetes pod卷中?
实现这一目标的最佳方法是什么? 我想到了两种可能的方式:
答案 0 :(得分:1)
GitHub允许使用https URL中的OAuth令牌克隆存储库:
// Create a 100*30 image
$im = imagecreate(300, 300);
// White background and blue text
$bg = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$textcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 255);
function writeCenteredText($image,$y,$textString,$color)
// half way of image = (width / 2)
// half way of text = ($strPixLen / 2);
//split the string into chunks that fit the image width
$splitString = str_split($textString, imagesx($image) / imagefontwidth(1) );
foreach($splitString as $key => $value)
$strPixLen = strlen($value) * imagefontwidth(1);
$x = (imagesx($image) / 2) - ($strPixLen / 2);
imagestring($image, 1, $x, imagefontheight(1) * $y , $value, $color);
writeCenteredText($im,0,'Centered Text',$textcolor);
writeCenteredText($im, 1 ,'Centered Text2',$textcolor);
writeCenteredText($im, 2 ,'Longer Centered Text',$textcolor);
writeCenteredText($im, 3 ,'This is really long Centered Text',$textcolor);
writeCenteredText($im, 4 ,'If the optional split_length parameter is specified, the returned array will be broken down into chunks with each being split_length in length, otherwise each chunk will be one character in length.',$textcolor);
// Output the image
header('Content-type: image/png');
见 https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-access-token-for-command-line-use/