
时间:2015-08-31 18:06:26

标签: python


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5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



c=int(input('Please enter an amount between 0-99:'))
print(c//25, "quarters")
c = c%25
print(c//10, "dimes")
c = c%10
print(c//5, "nickles")
c = c%5
print(c//1, "pennies")


3 quarters
2 dimes
0 nickles
4 pennies

答案 1 :(得分:2)

实际的诀窍是知道因为每枚硬币的价值至少是下一个较小面额的两倍you can use a greedy algorithm。其余的只是实施细节。

这是一个稍微干的(但可能,呃,更令人困惑)实现。我真正做的就是使用列表来存储我的结果,并利用tuple unpackingdivmod。此外,这在将来更容易扩展:我需要做的就是支持1美元账单,将coins更改为[100, 25, 10, 5, 1]。等等。

coins = [25,10,5,1] #values of possible coins, in descending order
results = [0]*len(coins) #doing this and not appends to make tuple unpacking work
initial_change = int(input('Change to make: ')) #use raw_input for python2
remaining_change = initial_change
for index, coin in enumerate(coins):
    results[index], remaining_change = divmod(remaining_change, coin)
print("In order to make change for %d cents:" % initial_change)
for amount, coin in zip(results, coins):
    print("    %d %d cent piece(s)" % (amount, coin))


Change to make: 99
In order to make change for 99 cents:
    3 25 cent piece(s)
    2 10 cent piece(s)
    0 5 cent piece(s)
    4 1 cent piece(s)

答案 2 :(得分:1)

n = int(input("Enter a number between 0-99"))
q = n // 25
n %= 25
d = n // 10
n %= 10
ni =  n // 5
n %= 5
c = n % 5
print(str(q) +" " + str(d) +" " + str(ni) + " " + str(c))

我希望这有帮助吗?像这样的东西,但不要只是复制它。每当你除以25 10 5时,你必须丢失那部分,因为它已经被计算在内。最后打印你想要的东西:)。

答案 3 :(得分:0)

  Change Machine - Made by A.S Gallery

  This program shows the use of modulus and integral division to find the quarters, nickels, dimes, pennies of the user change !!
  Have Fun Exploring !!!


#def variables
user_amount = float(input("Enter the amount paid : "))
user_price = float(input("Enter the price : "))

# What is the change ?? (change calculation)
user_owe = user_amount - user_price

u = float(user_owe)

print "Change owed : " + str(u)

    Calculation Program (the real change machine !!)


# Variables for Calculating Each Coin !!
calculate_quarters = u//.25

# Using the built-in round function in Python !!

print "Quarters : " + str(calculate_quarters)

u = u%0.25

calculate_dime = u//.10


print "Dime : " + str(calculate_dime)

u = u%0.10

calculate_nickels = u//.05  


print "Nickels : " + str(calculate_nickels)

u = u%0.5

calculate_pennies = u//.01


print "Pennies : " + str(calculate_pennies


答案 4 :(得分:0)

这可能是解决此问题的更简单方法之一,但是,它也可以 用while循环减少重复次数

cents = int(input("Input how much money (in cents) you have, and I will tell 
you how much that is is quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. "))

quarters = cents//25
quarters_2 = quarters*25
dime = (cents-quarters_2)//10
dime_2 = dime*10
nickels = (cents-dime_2-quarters_2)//5
nickels_2 = nickels*5
pennies = (cents-dime_2-quarters_2-nickels_2)