Robot Framework无法识别某些类关键字

时间:2015-08-31 15:06:27

标签: python robotframework

我正在创建一个包含三个不同类的RobotFramework库。 我可以使用第一类关键字,但是我无法使用剩下的两个类关键字。 根据RF文档,我尝试使用import来跟随LibraryName.className 我还将python Path设置为我个人库的文件夹。 但是,在运行测试时,只识别第一类关键字。 我试图将我的第一个类的名称更改为另一个名称,然后更改为我的lib文件并单独导入每个类,但这对于三个类的关键字不起作用。


from robotpageobjects import Page, robot_alias
from robot.utils import asserts

class HomePage(Page):
    """ Models WeekendDesk home page at:"""

    # This is Then Keyword for Weekendesk Home Page.

    # This page is found at baseurl"
    uri = ""

    # inheritable dictionary mapping human-readable names
    # to Selenium2Library locators. You can then pass in the
    # keys to Selenium2Library actions instead of the locator
    # strings.

    selectors = {
        "destination": "id=concatField",
        "search button": "id=searchButton",
        "arrival date": "id=spArrival",
        "departure date": "id=spDeparture",


    # Use robot_alias and the "__name__" token to customize
    # where to insert the optional page object name
    # when calling this keyword. Without the "__name__"
    # token this method would map to either "Type In Search Box",
    # or "Type In Search Box WDHomePage". Using "__name__" we can call
    # "Type in Home Search Box  foo".
    def type_in_search_box(self, txt):
        self.input_text("destination", txt)

        # We always return something from a page object,
        # even if it's the same page object instance we are
        # currently on.
        return self

    def type_in_arrival_box(self, txt):
        self.input_text("arrival date", txt)

        # We always return something from a page object,
        # even if it's the same page object instance we are
        # currently on.
        return self

    def type_in_departure_box(self, txt):
        self.input_text("departure date", txt)

        # We always return something from a page object,
        # even if it's the same page object instance we are
        # currently on.
        return self

    def click_search_button(self):
        self.click_link("search button")
        return SerpPage()

    def search_for(self, concatField,spArrival,spDeparture):
        return self.click_search_button()

class SerpPage(Page):

    """Models a Serp search result page. For example:  /weekend-en-PACA """
    # The URI for the SERP page does not have a template to follow

    uri = ""
    Name= "Serp"

    # This is a "selector template". We are parameterizing the
    # nth result in this xpath. We call this from click_result, below.
    selectors = {
        "nth result link": "div.searchResult:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > h2:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1)"


    def click_result(self, i):

        # For selector templates, we need to resolve the selector to the
        # locator first, before finding or acting on the element.
        locator = self.resolve_selector("nth result link", n=int(i))
        return ProductPage()

class ProductPage(Page):

    uri = ""

    def body_should_contain(self, str, ignore_case=True):
        ref_str = str.lower() if ignore_case else str
        ref_str = ref_str.encode("utf-8")
        body_txt = self.get_text("css=body").encode("utf-8").lower()
        asserts.assert_true(ref_str in body_txt, "body text does not contain %s" %ref_str)
        return self



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


from robot.api import logger

class LibTest:
    def libtest_1(self):
        logger.warn("In LibTest")

class OtherTest:
    def othertest_1(self):
        logger.warn("In OtherTest")

class OneMoreTest:
    def onemoretest_1(self):
        logger.warn("In OneMoreTest")

然后在Test Suite中,您可以单独加载类:

*** Settings ***
Library           LibTest.LibTest
Library           LibTest.OtherTest
Library           LibTest.OneMoreTest

*** Test Cases ***
    Log    Test Start

此示例适用于我的环境:带有Robot Framework 2.8.7的Python 2.7.6。这是我输出的控制台:


20150831 12:48:49.449:INFO:测试开始


20150831 12:48:49.450:警告:在LibTest中


20150831 12:48:49.450:警告:在OtherTest中


20150831 12:48:49.451:警告:在OneMoreTest中

我认为Robot确实鼓励你将你的库类保存在单独的文件中 - 因为它更容易处理,即你不需要将它们放在PYTHONPATH上。