
时间:2015-08-31 07:20:21

标签: swift string substring


var domains = "abcde".substring(0, "abcde".indexOf("cd")) // Returns "ab"

11 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:87)


Xcode 10.2.x•Swift 5或更高版本

extension StringProtocol { // for Swift 4.x syntax you will needed also to constrain the collection Index to String Index - `extension StringProtocol where Index == String.Index`
    func index(of string: Self, options: String.CompareOptions = []) -> Index? {
        return range(of: string, options: options)?.lowerBound
    func endIndex(of string: Self, options: String.CompareOptions = []) -> Index? {
        return range(of: string, options: options)?.upperBound
    func indexes(of string: Self, options: String.CompareOptions = []) -> [Index] {
        var result: [Index] = []
        var startIndex = self.startIndex
        while startIndex < endIndex,
            let range = self[startIndex...].range(of: string, options: options) {
                startIndex = range.lowerBound < range.upperBound ? range.upperBound :
                    index(range.lowerBound, offsetBy: 1, limitedBy: endIndex) ?? endIndex
        return result
    func ranges(of string: Self, options: String.CompareOptions = []) -> [Range<Index>] {
        var result: [Range<Index>] = []
        var startIndex = self.startIndex
        while startIndex < endIndex,
            let range = self[startIndex...].range(of: string, options: options) {
                startIndex = range.lowerBound < range.upperBound ? range.upperBound :
                    index(range.lowerBound, offsetBy: 1, limitedBy: endIndex) ?? endIndex
        return result


let str = "abcde"
if let index = str.index(of: "cd") {
    let substring = str[..<index]   // ab
    let string = String(substring)
    print(string)  // "ab\n"
let str = "Hello, playground, playground, playground"
str.index(of: "play")      // 7
str.endIndex(of: "play")   // 11
str.indexes(of: "play")    // [7, 19, 31]
str.ranges(of: "play")     // [{lowerBound 7, upperBound 11}, {lowerBound 19, upperBound 23}, {lowerBound 31, upperBound 35}]


let query = "Play"
let ranges = str.ranges(of: query, options: .caseInsensitive)
let matches = ranges.map { str[$0] }   //
print(matches)  // ["play", "play", "play"]


let query = "play"
let escapedQuery = NSRegularExpression.escapedPattern(for: query)
let pattern = "\\b\(escapedQuery)\\w+"  // matches any word that starts with "play" prefix

let ranges = str.ranges(of: pattern, options: .regularExpression)
let matches = ranges.map { str[$0] }

print(matches) //  ["playground", "playground", "playground"]

答案 1 :(得分:34)

测试Swift 4.2 / 4.1 / 4.0 / 3.0

使用 String[Range<String.Index>] 下标,您可以获得子字符串。您需要开始索引和最后一个索引来创建范围,您可以按照下面的方式执行

let str = "abcde"
if let range = str.range(of: "cd") {
  let substring = str[..<range.lowerBound] // or str[str.startIndex..<range.lowerBound]
  print(substring)  // Prints ab
else {
  print("String not present")


答案 2 :(得分:5)

在Swift 4中:


let str = "abcdefghabcd"
if let index = str.index(of: "b") {
   print(index) // Index(_compoundOffset: 4, _cache: Swift.String.Index._Cache.character(1))

使用Swift 4从创建SubString(前缀和后缀):

let str : String = "ilike"
for i in 0...str.count {
    let index = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: i) // String.Index
    let prefix = str[..<index] // String.SubSequence
    let suffix = str[index...] // String.SubSequence
    print("prefix \(prefix), suffix : \(suffix)")


prefix , suffix : ilike
prefix i, suffix : like
prefix il, suffix : ike
prefix ili, suffix : ke
prefix ilik, suffix : e
prefix ilike, suffix : 


let substring1 = string[startIndex...endIndex] // including endIndex
let subString2 = string[startIndex..<endIndex] // excluding endIndex

答案 3 :(得分:4)


func indexOf(source: String, substring: String) -> Int? {
    let maxIndex = source.characters.count - substring.characters.count
    for index in 0...maxIndex {
        let rangeSubstring = source.startIndex.advancedBy(index)..<source.startIndex.advancedBy(index + substring.characters.count)
        if source.substringWithRange(rangeSubstring) == substring {
            return index
    return nil

var str = "abcde"
if let indexOfCD = indexOf(str, substring: "cd") {
    let distance = str.startIndex.advancedBy(indexOfCD)
    print(str.substringToIndex(distance)) // Returns "ab"


答案 4 :(得分:2)

在Swift版本3中,String没有像 -

str.index(of: String)

如果子字符串需要索引,则获取范围的方法之一。我们在返回范围的字符串中有以下函数 -

str.range(of: <String>)
str.rangeOfCharacter(from: <CharacterSet>)
str.range(of: <String>, options: <String.CompareOptions>, range: <Range<String.Index>?>, locale: <Locale?>)


var str = "play play play"
var range = str.range(of: "play")
range?.lowerBound //Result : 0
range?.upperBound //Result : 4


var str = "play play play"
var range = str.range(of: "zoo") //Result : nil
range?.lowerBound //Result : nil
range?.upperBound //Result : nil

答案 5 :(得分:2)



let str = "abcdecd"
if let range: Range<String.Index> = str.range(of: "cd") {
    let index: Int = str.distance(from: str.startIndex, to: range.lowerBound)
    print("index: ", index) //index: 2
else {
    print("substring not found")


let str = "abcdecd"
if let firstIndex = str.firstIndex(of: "c") {
    let index = str.distance(from: str.startIndex, to: firstIndex)
    print("index: ", index)   //index: 2
else {
    print("symbol not found")

答案 6 :(得分:1)


if let range = mainString.range(of: mySubString) {

答案 7 :(得分:1)

Leo Dabus的答案很好。这是我基于他使用compactMap来避免Index out of range错误的答案。

Swift 5.1

extension StringProtocol {
    func ranges(of targetString: Self, options: String.CompareOptions = [], locale: Locale? = nil) -> [Range<String.Index>] {

        let result: [Range<String.Index>] = self.indices.compactMap { startIndex in
            let targetStringEndIndex = index(startIndex, offsetBy: targetString.count, limitedBy: endIndex) ?? endIndex
            return range(of: targetString, options: options, range: startIndex..<targetStringEndIndex, locale: locale)
        return result

// Usage
let str = "Hello, playground, playground, playground"
let ranges = str.ranges(of: "play")
ranges.forEach {
    print("[\($0.lowerBound.utf16Offset(in: str)), \($0.upperBound.utf16Offset(in: str))]")

// result - [7, 11], [19, 23], [31, 35]

答案 8 :(得分:0)


  • 所有子字符串查找方法都在Cocoa NSString世界中完成(基础)

  • 基金会NSRange与Swift Range不匹配;前者使用起点和长度,后者使用终点

  • 一般情况下,使用String.Index索引Swift字符,而不使用Int,但使用Int对基础字符 进行索引,并且它们之间没有简单的直接转换(因为Foundation)和斯威夫特对角色的构成有不同的看法。


func substring(of s: String, from:Int, toSubstring s2 : String) -> Substring? {
    // ?

必须使用String Foundation方法在s2中搜索子字符串s。结果范围返回给我们,作为NSRange(即使这是一个Foundation方法),但是作为String.Index的范围(包含在Optional中,以防我们没有&# 39;根本找不到子串。但是,另一个数字from是一个Int。因此,我们不能形成任何涉及它们的范围。

但我们不必!我们所要做的就是使用一个String.Index的方法切掉原始字符串的 end ,然后使用原始字符串的 start 切掉采用Int的方法。幸运的是,存在这样的方法!像这样:

func substring(of s: String, from:Int, toSubstring s2 : String) -> Substring? {
    guard let r = s.range(of:s2) else {return nil}
    var s = s.prefix(upTo:r.lowerBound)
    s = s.dropFirst(from)
    return s


let output = "abcde".substring(from:0, toSubstring:"cd")


extension String {
    func substring(from:Int, toSubstring s2 : String) -> Substring? {
        guard let r = self.range(of:s2) else {return nil}
        var s = self.prefix(upTo:r.lowerBound)
        s = s.dropFirst(from)
        return s

答案 9 :(得分:0)


    extension String {
    enum SearchDirection {
        case first, last
    func characterIndex(of character: Character, direction: String.SearchDirection) -> Int? {
        let fn = direction == .first ? firstIndex : lastIndex
        if let stringIndex: String.Index = fn(character) {
            let index: Int = distance(from: startIndex, to: stringIndex)
            return index
        }  else {
            return nil


 func testFirstIndex() {
        let res = ".".characterIndex(of: ".", direction: .first)
        XCTAssert(res == 0)
    func testFirstIndex1() {
        let res = "12345678900.".characterIndex(of: "0", direction: .first)
        XCTAssert(res == 9)
    func testFirstIndex2() {
        let res = ".".characterIndex(of: ".", direction: .last)
        XCTAssert(res == 0)
    func testFirstIndex3() {
        let res = "12345678900.".characterIndex(of: "0", direction: .last)
        XCTAssert(res == 10)

答案 10 :(得分:0)


   let alphabat = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

    var index: Int = 0
    if let range: Range<String.Index> = alphabat.range(of: "c") {
         index = alphabat.distance(from: alphabat.startIndex, to: range.lowerBound)
        print("index: ", index) //index: 2