如何执行ftp"将C:\ path \放到\ file"在Python中

时间:2015-08-29 06:49:52

标签: python python-2.7 ftp ftp-client ftplib


quote allo file_size_in_bytes

put c:\path\to\file


from ftplib import FTP
import os
import time
from subprocess import call

ip = raw_input('Enter ip address: ')                           # User input for host
print ip                                                       # Prints host 
filelocation = raw_input('Drag file here: ')                   # File to upload  
print ('This is the local file '+filelocation)                 # Verify file location
filename = os.path.basename(filelocation)                      # If a File name is needed
filesize = os.path.getsize(filelocation)                       # Need file size in bytes for quote allo command
print ('This is the file size in bytes '+str(filesize))        # Verify correct size
time.sleep(2)                                                  # Pause to look at screen
ftp = FTP(ip)                                                  # Open ftp connection
ftp.login('user','pass')                                       # Login
print ftp.getwelcome()                                         # Verify proper connection
remotepath = ftp.pwd()+filename                                # If a remote path to ftp server is needed
print ('This is the file path on the processor '+remotepath)   # Verify remote path
"\"quote\""                                                    # Need this, not sure why
ftp.sendcmd('allo '+str(filesize))                             # quote allo filesize, seems to work
#"\"put\""                                                     # Experimenting, don't know if this is needed
call(['echo "put C:\filelocation" | ftp'])                     # This doesn't appear to work

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您正在使用ftplib登录,但是您正在尝试为上传本身运行外部ftp进程。这不起作用,因为外部ftp进程不知道您的ftplib FTP会话。


请参阅示例Python Script Uploading files via FTP