
时间:2015-08-28 19:23:35

标签: ota


for eg., lets say i have test set folder

   ----  testset2
 ----- testset4

i want all of the subfolders and test sets within those folders to be copied under a new test set folder location ,for eg

so after copy the destination folder should have
   ----  testset2
 ----- testset4
here is the code`enter code here
how do i recursively copy only the subfolders

** Dim tdc,qcServer     设置tdc = CreateObject(" TDApiOle80.TDConnection")     qcServer =" http://server.com"     tdc.InitConnectionEx qcServer     Dim qcUsername As String     Dim qcPassword As String     Dim qcDomain As String     Dim qcProject As String     Dim treeMng作为TestSetTreeManager     Dim sourceFolder作为testSetFolder     Dim destFolder作为testSetFolder     Dim iscp作为ISupportCopyPaste     Dim clipboard As String

qcUsername =InputBox("Enter QC User Name")
qcPassword = InputBox("Enter QC password")
tdc.Login qcUsername, qcPassword
If (tdc.LoggedIn = false) Then
MsgBox "QC User Authentication failed", vbInformation, "User Authentication"
End If

qcDomain = "FS1"
qcProject = "FQA1"
tdc.Connect qcDomain, qcProject
If (tdc.Connected = failed) Then
MsgBox ("QC Project not connected :" & qcProject), vbInformation, "Project Connection"
End If
call CopyPasteTestSetFolder("Root\F1\F3\F4","Root\F7\test_vb2")
Private Sub CopyPasteTestSetFolder(sourceFolderPath, destFolderPath) 
     Dim treeMng 
     Dim sourceFolder 
     Dim destFolder 
     Dim iscp
     Dim clipboard 
     Set treeMng = tdc.TestSetTreeManager 
     Set sourceFolder = treeMng.NodeByPath(sourceFolderPath) 
     Set destFolder = treeMng.NodeByPath(destFolderPath) 
     Set iscp = sourceFolder 
     clipboard = iscp.CopyToClipBoard(sourceFolder.NodeID, 0, sourceFolderPath) 
     Set iscp = destFolder 
     iscp.PasteFromClipBoard clipboard, destFolder.NodeID, 0, -1 
     Set treeMng = Nothing 
     Set sourceFolder = Nothing 
     Set destFolder = Nothing 
     Set iscp = Nothing 
End Sub `**

This is giving object is required 424 error at "Set treeMng = tdc.TestSetTreeManager " line

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