按钮在wenzhixin bootstrap-table子行中执行3次

时间:2015-08-27 16:10:41

标签: jquery twitter-bootstrap button bootstrap-table

以下代码包含构建表格的扩展详细信息(子行)的所有详细信息。 (实际上有2个,只显示1我遇到问题)。




  • delext _
  • 重新编号_

    function compExtInfo($detail, row) {
        pID = row.ID;
        $detail.append('<div id="exttoolbar2_'+pID+'">');
        $detail.append('<button id="addext_'+pID+'" class="btn btn-primary"> Add Row </button>');
        $detail.append('<button id="editext2_'+pID+'" class="btn btn-success"> Edit Row </button>');
        $detail.append('<button id="delext_'+pID+'" class="btn btn-info"> Delete Row </button>');
        $detail.append('<button id="renumber_'+pID+'" class="btn btn-warning"> Auto Renumber Days </button>');
        $detail.append('<button id="finalize_'+pID+'" class="btn btn-danger"> Finalize 90 Day Report </button>');
        buildTable2($detail.append('<table id="exttable2_'+pID+'"></table>').find('table'), pID);
    function buildTable2($ext, ID) {
            url: 'get90dayinfo.php?ID='+ID+'&d='+$.now(),
            uniqueId: 'ID',
            clickToSelect: true,
            toolbar: '#exttoolbar_'+ID,
            columns: [
            onLoadSuccess: function(row, index){
                    var gAPI = $.map($ext.bootstrapTable('getSelections'), function (row) {
                        //get the next day to populate
                        var gDay = $.get( 'get90maxday.php?ID='+ID+'&d='+$.now(), function(data) {
                    return row.id;
                    var pTmp = $.map($ext.bootstrapTable('getSelections'), function (row) {
                        pID = row.ID;
                        pDay = row.day;
                        pDate = row.date;
                        if (confirm('This will delete day '+pDay+' date '+pDate)){
                            $.get( '90deldata.php?ID='+pID+'&day='+pDay+'&d='+$.now(), function( data ) {
                                    $('#message p').text('Day '+pDay+' Date '+pDate+' successfully deleted');
                    var gAPI = $.map($ext.bootstrapTable('getSelections'), function (row) {
                    return row.id;
                    var pID = $.map($('#90day').bootstrapTable('getSelections'), function (row) {
                        return row.ID;
                    pID = row.ID;
                    var updatedWell = $.map($('#90day').bootstrapTable('getSelections'), function (row) {
                        return row.well_name+' '+row.well_num+' API '+row.api;
                    if (confirm('Are you sure you want to re-order '+updatedWell)){
                        $.get('90dayrenumber.php?ID='+pID+'&d='+$.now(), function(data) {
                                $('#message p').text(updatedWell+' successfully re-ordered');

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