
时间:2015-08-27 14:01:35

标签: mysql sql join


  1. 任务(id,task_name,event_type_id)
  2. task_assignment(id,task_id,assignee_id,assignor_id,status)
  3. event_type
  4. 有一个奇怪的要求:




    select *,count(t.id) as total
    from event_type et,
      task t,
      task_assignment ta
    where et.id = t.event_type_id
      and ta.task_id = t.id
      AND ta.assignee_id=" . $user_id . "
      AND ta.status!='Rejected'
    group by t.event_type_id
    order by total desc limit " . $limit . " offset ".$offset


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

试试这个(你可以称之为"条件计数" - 一个非常方便的技术用于此目的):

select t.event_type_id,
    count(t.id) as total, 
    sum(case when ta.status = 'Incomplete' then 1 else 0 end) as total_incomplete
from event_type et,
  task t,
  task_assignment ta
where et.id = t.event_type_id
  and ta.task_id = t.id
  AND ta.assignee_id=" . $user_id . "
  AND ta.status!='Rejected'
group by t.event_type_id
order by total desc limit " . $limit . " offset ".$offset

哦,你只能选择没有聚合的字段(如count()和sum()),如果你还group by它们,那么我将你的select *改为select t.event_type_id。您可以修改它以包含您需要的任何列。


select t.event_type_id,
    count(*) as total_events, 
    sum(case when ta.status = 'Incomplete' then 1 else 0 end) as total_incomplete,
    sum(case when ta.status = 'Incomplete' 
             and ta.status != 'Rejected' then 1 else 0 end) as total_incomplete_not_rejected
    sum(case when ta.status != 'Rejected' then 1 else 0 end) as total_not_rejected
from event_type et,
  task t,
  task_assignment ta
where et.id = t.event_type_id
  and ta.task_id = t.id
  AND ta.assignee_id=" . $user_id . "
group by t.event_type_id
order by total desc limit " . $limit . " offset ".$offset

主要思想是使用SUM和条件来获取任何条件组合的计数 - 这使您不必进行子查询,自连接,多个查询等。希望它有所帮助。