{"currentPage":1,"numberOfPages":1,"totalResults":1,"data":[{"id":"Sf8xxo","name":"The Bear Reader Huckleberry Oatmeal Stout","nameDisplay":"The Bear Reader Huckleberry Oatmeal Stout","abv":"6.3","ibu":"33","styleId":21,"isOrganic":"N","status":"verified","statusDisplay":"Verified","createDate":"2015-03-22 17:35:03","updateDate":"2015-03-22 17:35:03","style":{"id":21,"categoryId":1,"category":{"id":1,"name":"British Origin Ales","createDate":"2012-03-21 20:06:45"},"name":"Oatmeal Stout","shortName":"Oatmeal Stout","description":"Oatmeal stouts include oatmeal in their grist, resulting in a pleasant, full flavor and a smooth profile that is rich without being grainy. A roasted malt character which is caramel-like and chocolate-like should be evident - smooth and not bitter. Coffee-like roasted barley and roasted malt aromas (chocolate and nut-like) are prominent. Color is dark brown to black. Bitterness is moderate, not high. Hop flavor and aroma are optional but should not overpower the overall balance if present. This is a medium- to full- bodied beer, with minimal fruity esters. Diacetyl should be absent or at extremely low levels. Original gravity range and alcohol levels are indicative of English tradition of oatmeal stout.","ibuMin":"20","ibuMax":"40","abvMin":"3.8","abvMax":"6","srmMin":"20","srmMax":"20","ogMin":"1.038","fgMin":"1.008","fgMax":"1.02","createDate":"2012-03-21 20:06:45","updateDate":"2015-04-07 15:22:53"},"breweries":[{"id":"m2lpu3","name":"Timeless Pints Brewing Company","description":"Lakewood's first microbrewery! \r\n\r\nOn Father's Day, several years ago, my son and I purchased a home brewing kit for my husband. As an Engineer and a lover of craft beer, he was excited to experiment with his own concoctions. Since his first trial run, he's produced multiple variety of stouts, ales, lagers and IPA's as well as very happy friends, family and neighbors. His love for the unique keeps him constantly in search of \"new and different\" ingredients and the hope of a perfect combination.\r\n\r\nOne hot July evening, some friends disclosed they were embarking on a new restaurant idea. They asked Chris (my husband) if he would brew the beer specifically for their new endeavor. The ABC frowns on beer sold without the proper licensing and selling from the kitchen counter is not a viable option. Thus a new venture began.\r\n\r\nWhat was once a dream is now a reality and we can now bring our own craft beer to our local Lakewood\/Long Beach community. You'll find us just behind the Long Beach Airport.","website":"http:\/\/www.timelesspints.com\/","established":"2013","isOrganic":"N","images":{"icon":"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/brewerydbapi\/brewery\/m2lpu3\/upload_v1fZ28-icon.png","medium":"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/brewerydbapi\/brewery\/m2lpu3\/upload_v1fZ28-medium.png","large":"https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/brewerydbapi\/brewery\/m2lpu3\/upload_v1fZ28-large.png"},"status":"verified","statusDisplay":"Verified","createDate":"2013-08-03 22:49:34","updateDate":"2013-08-04 13:19:27","locations":[{"id":"3wVSu9","name":"Main Brewery","streetAddress":"3671 Industry Avenue","extendedAddress":"C1","locality":"Lakewood","region":"California","postalCode":"90712","phone":"(562) 490-0099","website":"http:\/\/www.timelesspints.com\/","hoursOfOperation":"Thu: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm\r\nFri: 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm\r\nSat: 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm\r\nSun: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm","latitude":33.8237257,"longitude":-118.1655833,"isPrimary":"Y","inPlanning":"N","isClosed":"N","openToPublic":"Y","locationType":"nano","locationTypeDisplay":"Nano Brewery","countryIsoCode":"US","yearOpened":"2013","status":"verified","statusDisplay":"Verified","createDate":"2013-08-04 13:19:09","updateDate":"2014-07-23 19:11:34","country":{"isoCode":"US","name":"UNITED STATES","displayName":"United States","isoThree":"USA","numberCode":840,"createDate":"2012-01-03 02:41:33"}}]}],"type":"beer"}],"status":"success"}
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if (data.data === undefined || data.data === null ) {
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if (data.data) {
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} else {
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