以前安装的valgrind已成功但已被删除(通过找到的每个“valgrind”目录的“rm -rf”)。重新安装现在在“./configure --prefix = / usr / local”步骤失败了以下错误消息:
“..检查diff -u ...是的 检查支持的gcc版本...配置: - prefix = / Library / Developer / CommandLineTools / usr --with-gxx-include-dir = / usr / include / c ++ / 4.2.1 配置为: - prefix = / Library / Developer / CommandLineTools / usr --with-gxx-include-dir = / usr / include / c ++ / 4.2.1 不(6.1.0) configure:错误:请使用gcc> = 3.0或clang> = 2.9或icc> = 13.0 Richards-MacBook-Air:valgrind richardcramer $“
“Richards-MacBook-Air:usr richardcramer $ clang --version Apple LLVM版本6.1.0(clang-602.0.53)(基于LLVM 3.6.0svn) 目标:x86_64-apple-darwin14.1.0 线程模型:posix Richards-MacBook-Air:usr richardcramer $“
答案 0 :(得分:1)
# Only if you haven't downloaded the latest SVN trunk of Valgrind
# svn co svn://svn.valgrind.org/valgrind/trunk valgrind
# cd valgrind
./configure --prefix=/usr/local # Per your chosen configure option
make -j2
sudo make install
目前在现代OS X上,Valgrind的预发布版本对于提供最佳效果是必要的。
一旦Valgrind 3.11.x发布,您应该可以返回打包版本。