C ++ 11移动分配和复制分配(操作员) - 使用删除

时间:2015-08-27 00:41:00

标签: c++11 memory-leaks move-semantics raw-pointer

我目前的理解是两者 C ++ 11移动和复制分配操作符应该调用delete来防止内存泄漏,但是C ++ 11移动和复制构造器应该


class my_class
    my_class(int num_data) : my_data{new double[num_data]}, my_data_length{num_data}

    // This class manages a resource
    double *my_data;
    int my_data_length;

// Big 4 go here - see wikipedia example below.

my_class a(10);
my_class b(10);
my_class c(10);

a = b; // Need to delete old storage contained in a before reallocating
a(c); // For some reason we don't need to delete the old storage here? I find this puzzling


  • 移动构造函数不会泄漏,因为资源已传输。 类到期时指向的任何已分配数据将转移到过期类,并由过期类的析构函数删除。

    < / LI>
  • 然而,我对复制构造函数是否泄漏感到困惑。

  • 移动分配操作员可能不会泄漏,因为它只是交换指针。

  • 我再次被复制作业操作员搞糊涂了。我不确定为什么需要使用临时对象?我的猜测是tmpother拥有的资源在这个函数结束时超出范围时会被销毁? (除了tmp的资源与this类中的指针交换了吗?)


#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>

class Foo
    /** Default constructor */
    Foo() :
        data (new char[14])
        std::strcpy(data, "Hello, World!");

    /** Copy constructor */
    Foo (const Foo& other) :
        data (new char[std::strlen (other.data) + 1])
        std::strcpy(data, other.data);

    /** Move constructor */
    Foo (Foo&& other) noexcept : /* noexcept needed to enable optimizations in containers */
        other.data = nullptr;

    /** Destructor */
    ~Foo() noexcept /* explicitly specified destructors should be annotated noexcept as best-practice */
        delete[] data;

    /** Copy assignment operator */
    Foo& operator= (const Foo& other)
        Foo tmp(other); // re-use copy-constructor
        *this = std::move(tmp); // re-use move-assignment
        return *this;

    /** Move assignment operator */
    Foo& operator= (Foo&& other) noexcept
        // simplified move-constructor that also protects against move-to-self.
        std::swap(data, other.data); // repeat for all elements
        return *this;

    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Foo& foo)
        os << foo.data;
        return os;

    char* data;

int main()
    const Foo foo;
    std::cout << foo << std::endl;

    return 0;


我认为这是因为资源通过移动构造函数传输的情况,但是到期对象收到一个永远不会分配的悬空指针 - 我们不希望随后调用析构函数并{{1指针 - 除非我们确保它指向delete(无操作)。


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