ByteBuffer.wrap(byte [])会导致长时间运行的应用程序出现内存泄漏吗?

时间:2015-08-26 19:38:55

标签: java memory-leaks


基于java doc,ByteBuffer.wrap()在每次调用中创建一个新的ByteBuffer。在长时间运行的应用程序中,如果未触发gc,但应用程序一直在调用ByteBuffer.wrap(),则应用程序可能会在Java堆外部使用更多内存,并导致潜在的内存泄漏。是对的吗?

public static ByteBuffer wrap(byte[] array)

Wraps a byte array into a buffer.

The new buffer will be backed by the given byte array; that is, modifications 
to the buffer will cause the array to be modified and vice versa. The new 
buffer's capacity and limit will be array.length, its position will be zero,    
and its mark will be undefined. Its backing array will be the given array, and
its array offset will be zero.


public static ByteBuffer wrap(byte[] array,
                                int offset, int length)
    try {
        return new HeapByteBuffer(array, offset, length);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

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