
时间:2015-08-26 05:10:31

标签: c linux

-- Define theString and the target file
set theString to {"This", "That"}
set theFile to (path to desktop as text) & "Pantones.csv"

-- Execute the write handler
set theResult to writeTo (theFile, theString)

on writeTo(targetFile, theData)
set openFile to open for access file targetFile with write permission

set theCount to the count of items in theData
set n to 0

--write to the target file & add a comma after every item except the last 
repeat theCount times
    set n to n + 1
    if n is not theCount then write item n of theData & "," to openFile as string
    if n is theCount then write item n of theData to openFile as string
end repeat

close access openFile
end writeTo


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


(void) memcpy (y, 0x00, sizeof(y));



char y[20] = {0};

memset(y, 0x00, sizeof(y));

答案 1 :(得分:2)

问题出在这里 (void) memcpy (y, 0x00, sizeof(y)); 您将memcpy()的源指针指定为零。您使用错误的函数在缓冲区y中设置零。您应该使用memset()代替memcpy()

错误:(void) memcpy (y, 0x00, sizeof(y));

正确:memset(y, 0x00, sizeof(y));