jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
jQuery("#emailListSignupForm").submit(function(e) {
var thisis = jQuery( this );
thisis.find('input').attr("disabled", "disabled");
jQuery("#status").text("Signing You in...");
var testList = "ID GOES HERE";
var name = thisis.find('input[name="name"]').val();
var email = thisis.find('input[name="email"]').val();
var sendyUrl = "http://PATH GOES HERE/subscribe";
var dataObject = {name: name,email: email,list: testList};
window.message = function(text, color) {
jQuery("#status").css("color", color).text(text);
jQuery("#status").text("Sending details....");
url: sendyUrl,
type: 'POST',
dataType: "jsonp",
data: dataObject,
success: function( response ) {
console.log( response );
if ( response ) {
if (response == "Some fields are missing.") {
jQuery("#status").text("Please fill in your name and email.");
} else if (response == "Invalid email address.") {
jQuery("#status").text("Uhoh - that doesn't look like an email address. Could you please enter your email again?");
} else if (response == "Invalid list ID.") {
jQuery("#status").text("Oops - something went wrong (I tried to sign you up for an email list that doesn't exist). To get added, send me an email at christian@gen.co instead!");
} else if (response == "Already subscribed.") {
jQuery("#status").text("You're already subscribed!");
} else {
jQuery("#status").text("You're subscribed!");
jQuery("#status").css("color", "green");
thisis.find('input, button').hide();
} else {
alert("Sorry, unable to subscribe. Please try again later!");
jQuery("#status").text("Oops - something went wrong (my email list server just had an error). To get added, send me an email at christian@gen.co instead!");