
时间:2015-08-21 08:59:29

标签: vb.net generics enums


    Friend Shared Function ConvertOrDefault(Of T As {Structure, IConvertible})(convertFrom As Object, ignoreCase As Boolean) As T
        Dim retVal As T
        If Not GetType(T).IsEnum Then
            Throw New ArgumentException("Type must be enum")
        ElseIf convertFrom Is Nothing OrElse Not TypeOf convertFrom Is String Then
            Return New T
        ElseIf [Enum].TryParse(convertFrom.ToString(), ignoreCase, retVal) Then
            Return retVal
            Return New T
        End If
End Function



Friend Shared Function Convert(Of T)(value as Object) As T
    If GetType(T).IsEnum Then
         Return Enums.ConvertOrDefault(Of T)(value, True)
    Else : return DirectCast(value, T)
    End If
End Function


Type argument 'T' does not inherit from or implement the constraint type 'System.IConvertible'
Type argument 'T' does not satisfy the 'Structure' constraint for type parameter 'T'




Dim type As Type = GetType(T)

If type.IsEnum Then
    Select Case type.Name
        Case "EnumTypeOne"
            Return DirectCast(DirectCast(Enums.ConvertOrDefault(Of EnumTypeOne)(value, True), Object), T)
         ' ...


- 编辑2:目的 -


所有Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataReader的{​​{1}}函数都使用索引而不是列名;因为我不能保证列的顺序,并且为了便于阅读,使用列名更有意义 - 但是我必须自己解析输出。



当我期待Dim id as Byte() = Convert(dataReader("id_column")) Dim something as SomeEnum = Convert(dataReader("somethingCol")) '... 时,我可以故意调用Enum.ConvertOrDefault而不是Convert,但这似乎打破了一般方法的原则,我认为这更有意义。 ..并且还允许我在其他环境中重用该方法。


---编辑3 ---



Friend Shared Function Convert(Of T As {New})(value as Object) as T

但是当我为String或Byte()这样的类型调用Friend Shared Function ConvertOrDefault(Of T As{New}) convertFrom As Object, ignoreCase As Boolean) As T If Not GetType(T).IsEnum Then Throw New ArgumentException("Type must be enum") ElseIf convertFrom Is Nothing OrElse Not TypeOf convertFrom Is String Then Return New T End If Try Return CType([Enum].Parse(GetType(T), convertFrom.ToString(), ignoreCase), T) Catch ex As Exception End Try ' default Return New T End Function 方法时会出现错误,说


“类型参数'String'必须具有公共无参数实例   构造函数以满足类型参数“T”


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您可能需要考虑使用不同类型的枚举值。您可以改为使用polymorphic / class / subclassable枚举模式。


public class BoolEnum
    private static Dictionary<bool, BoolEnum>   allValuesByNaturalValue = new Dictionary<bool, BoolEnum>();
    private static Dictionary<string, BoolEnum> allValuesByTextValue    = new Dictionary<string, BoolEnum>();
    private static Dictionary<int, BoolEnum>    allValuesByInteger      = new Dictionary<int, BoolEnum>();

    private string boolText;
    private int    integerValue;
    private bool   naturalValue;

    public static readonly BoolEnum True  = new BoolEnum(true, "Is True", 1);
    public static readonly BoolEnum False = new BoolEnum(false, "Is False", 0);

    private BoolEnum(bool naturalValue, string boolText, int integerValue)
        this.naturalValue = naturalValue;
        this.boolText     = boolText;
        this.integerValue = integerValue;
        allValuesByNaturalValue.Add(naturalValue, this);
        allValuesByTextValue.Add(boolText, this);
        allValuesByInteger.Add(integerValue, this);

    public static BoolEnum TrySelect(bool naturalValue, BoolEnum defaultValue)
        BoolEnum returnValue;
        if (allValuesByNaturalValue.TryGetValue(naturalValue, out returnValue)) return returnValue;
        return defaultValue;

    public static BoolEnum TrySelect(string boolText, BoolEnum defaultValue)
        BoolEnum returnValue;
        if (allValuesByTextValue.TryGetValue(boolText, out returnValue)) return returnValue;
        return defaultValue;

    public static BoolEnum TrySelect(int integerValue, BoolEnum defaultValue)
        BoolEnum returnValue;
        if (allValuesByInteger.TryGetValue(integerValue, out returnValue)) return returnValue;
        return defaultValue;

    public static implicit operator bool(BoolEnum boolEnum)
        return boolEnum != null ? boolEnum.naturalValue : false;

    public static implicit operator string(BoolEnum boolEnum)
        return boolEnum != null ? boolEnum.boolText : "Is False";

    public static implicit operator int(BoolEnum boolEnum)
        return boolEnum != null ? boolEnum.integerValue : 0;

    public bool   NaturalValue { get { return this.naturalValue; } }
    public string BoolText     { get { return this.boolText; } }
    public int    IntegerValue { get { return this.integerValue; } }

    public static IReadOnlyCollection<BoolEnum> AllValues        { get { return allValuesByNaturalValue.Values.ToList().AsReadOnly(); } }
    public static IReadOnlyCollection<bool>     AllBooleanValues { get { return allValuesByNaturalValue.Keys.ToList().AsReadOnly(); } }
    public static IReadOnlyCollection<string>   AllTextValues    { get { return allValuesByTextValue.Keys.ToList().AsReadOnly(); } }
    public static IReadOnlyCollection<int>      AllIntegerValues { get { return allValuesByInteger.Keys.ToList().AsReadOnly(); } }

    public override string ToString()
        return "[" + this.naturalValue.ToString() + ", \"" + this.boolText.ToString() + "\", " + this.integerValue.ToString() + "]";



FYI&GT;使用泛型实现这一点并不困难,因此大多数样板都被干掉了。 subclassable示例(免责声明:这是我的文章)基于使用通用基础枚举类。





答案 1 :(得分:1)


有效:D谢谢!如果你把它写成答案,你可以得到赏金。很遗憾我们无法回答这个问题 - &#34;我怎么能说&#34;它没关系,我知道它是一个Enum所以它&&#34 #39;很好&#34;?&#34;,或者,你可以在将T传递给另一种方法时进一步限制T.

我推荐的实现如下所示。为了解释为什么你不能做你想做的事,也许这会有所帮助。由于在Convert(Of T)T中可以表示任何类型,因此编译器在将其传递给更受约束的泛型类型时无法保证类型安全性;泛型类型有CType函数。

我不明白为什么Enum.TryParse方法调用Structure约束。查看source code它仍会检查Type.IsEnum属性,因此尝试强制部分约束似乎是多余的。

Friend Shared Function Convert(Of T)(value As Object) As T
   If GetType(T).IsEnum Then
      Return ConvertOrDefault(Of T)(value, True)
      Return DirectCast(value, T)
   End If
End Function

Friend Shared Function ConvertOrDefault(Of TEnum)(convertFrom As Object, ignoreCase As Boolean) As TEnum
   ' Since this function only excepts Enum types, declaring the return value
   ' will initialize it to zero.
   Dim retVal As TEnum
   Dim typeTEnum As System.Type = GetType(TEnum)
   If typeTEnum.IsEnum Then
      Dim convertFromString As String = TryCast(convertFrom, String)
      If convertFrom IsNot Nothing AndAlso convertFromString IsNot Nothing Then
            retVal = DirectCast(System.Enum.Parse(typeTEnum, convertFromString), TEnum)
         Catch ex As ArgumentNullException
            ' eat it
         Catch ex As ArgumentException
            ' eat it
         Catch ex As OverflowException
            ' eat it
         End Try
      End If
      Throw New ArgumentException("Type must be enum")
   End If
   Return retVal
End Function

答案 2 :(得分:1)



Friend Function Convert(Of T)(convertFrom As Object, Optional ignoreCase As Boolean = True) As T
    If convertFrom Is Nothing Then Return Nothing
    If GetType(T) = GetType(DBNull) Then Return Nothing
    If GetType(T).IsEnum Then
        Return CTypeDynamic(Of T)([Enum].Parse(GetType(T), convertFrom.ToString(), ignoreCase))
        Return CTypeDynamic(Of T)(convertFrom)
    End If
End Function

请注意此代码中的其他VB.NET实现细节,您不需要new T。对于枚举来说,没有什么是完美的价值。并且您不需要抛出任何异常,CTypeDynamic已经抱怨已记录的本地化异常消息。
