Python Tornado - 如何创建后台进程?

时间:2015-08-21 00:47:42

标签: python tornado

是否有可能让Python Tornado运行一些漫长的后台进程,但同时,它还为所有处理程序提供服务?

我有一个Tornado Webapp,可以为一些网页提供服务。但我也有一个消息队列,我希望Tornado将消息队列轮询为订阅者。这可以在龙卷风中完成吗?



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. 安装Zero-MQ Python Library
  2. 在application.listen()
  3. 之前安装IOLoop
  4. 使用执行程序(对于python2,您可以从python3安装执行程序库)来执行消息队列侦听器,它设置tornado以侦听消息队列,然后在收到数据时使用回调。
  5. 示例(

    # Import tornado libraries
    import tornado.ioloop
    import tornado.web
    # Import URL mappings
    from url import application
    # Import zeroMQ libraries
    from zmq.eventloop import ioloop
    # Import functions
    from zeroMQ import startListenToMessageQueue
    # Import zeroMQ settings
    import zeroMQ_settings
    # Import our executor
    import executors
    # Import our db_settings
    import db_settings
    # is the main access point of the tornado app, to run the application, just run "python"
    # What this will do is listen to port 8888, and then we can access the app using
    # http://localhost:8888 on any browser, or using python requests library
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # Install PyZMQ's IOLoop
        # Set the application to listen to port 8888
        # Get the current IOLoop
        currentIOLoop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()
        # Execute ZeroMQ Subscriber for our topics
        # Test if the connection to our database is successful before we start the IOLoop
        # Start the IOLoop


    # Import our executor
    import executors
    # Import zeroMQ libraries
    import zmq
    from zmq.eventloop import ioloop, zmqstream
    # Import db functions to process the message
    import db
    # deals with the communication between a zero message queue
    def startListenToMessageQueue(subscribe_ports, subscribe_IP, subscribe_topic):
        # Usage:
        #       This function starts the subscriber for our application that will listen to the
        #       address and ports specified in the, it will spawn a callback when we
        #       received anything relevant to our topic.
        # Arguments:
        #       None
        # Return:
        #       None
        # Get zmq context
        context = zmq.Context()
        # Get the context socket
        socket_sub = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
        # Connect to multiple subscriber ports
        for ports in subscribe_ports:
        # Subscribe to our relevant topics
        for topic in subscribe_topic:
            socket_sub.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topic)
        # Setup ZMQ Stream with our socket
        stream_sub = zmqstream.ZMQStream(socket_sub)
        # When we recieve our data, we will process the data by using a callback
        # Print the Information to Console
        print "Connected to publisher with IP:" + \
              str(subscribe_IP) + ", Port" + str(subscribe_ports) + ", Topic:" + str(subscribe_topic)
    def processMessage(message):
        # Usage:
        #       This function processes the data using a callback format. The on_recv will call this function
        #       and populate the message variable with the data that we recieved through the message queue
        # Arguments:
        #       message: a string containing the data that we recieved from the message queue
        # Return:
        #       None
        # Process the message with an executor, and use the addData function in our db to process the message
        executors.executor.submit(db.addData, message)


    # Import futures library
    from concurrent import futures
    # will create our threadpools, and this can be shared around different python files
    # which will not re-create 10 threadpools when we call it.
    # we can a handful of executors for running synchronous tasks
    # Create a 10 thread threadpool that we can use to call any synchronous/blocking functions
    executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(10)


    # keep the settings for zeroMQ, for example port, IP, and topics that
    # we need to subscribe
    # Set the Port to 5558
    server_subscriber_ports = ["5556", "5558"]
    # Set IP to localhost
    server_subscriber_IP = "localhost"
    # Set Message to Subscribe: metrics.dat
    server_subscriber_topic_metrics = "metrics.dat"
    # Set Message to Subscribe: test-010
    server_subscribe_topics_test_010 = "test-010"
    # List of Subscriptions
    server_subscribe_list = [server_subscriber_topic_metrics, server_subscribe_topics_test_010]
