class ListIsomorphic l where
toList :: l a -> [a]
fromList :: [a] -> l a
我还要求toList . fromList == id
答案 0 :(得分:10)
pragma来实现此简化,但您必须执行a bit of extra work以确保通用方法重写规则在您的机会有效之前不会触发:
"protect toList" toList = toList';
"protect fromList" fromList = fromList';
"fromList/toList" forall x . fromList' (toList' x) = x; #-}
{-# NOINLINE [0] fromList' #-}
fromList' :: (ListIsomorphic l) => [a] -> l a
fromList' = fromList
{-# NOINLINE [0] toList' #-}
toList' :: (ListIsomorphic l) => l a -> [a]
toList' = toList
instance ListIsomorphic Maybe where
toList = error "toList"
fromList = error "fromList"
test1 :: Maybe a -> Maybe a
test1 x = fromList (toList x)
main = print $ test1 $ Just "Hello"
这会打印Just "Hello"
$ ghc -O -ddump-rule-firings --make rewrite-method.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( rewrite-method.hs, rewrite-method.o )
Rule fired: protect toList
Rule fired: protect fromList
Rule fired: unpack
Rule fired: unpack
Rule fired: protect toList
Rule fired: protect fromList
Rule fired: fromList/toList
Rule fired: unpack
Rule fired: Class op show
Rule fired: >#
Rule fired: tagToEnum#
Rule fired: Class op showsPrec
Rule fired: Class op showList
Rule fired: ++
Rule fired: unpack-list
Rule fired: foldr/app
Rule fired: unpack-list
Rule fired: unpack-list
Linking rewrite-method.exe ...