我是java play框架和web应用程序编程的新手。一开始我对这个框架感到非常惊讶,但是我一直在努力创建一个单向的manyToOne连接一个星期(!)而且它变得非常令人沮丧。
# --- !Ups
# TABLES - general:
create table generalExam (
id integer not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
name varchar(45) not null,
is_deleted boolean not null default false,
constraint pk_generalexam primary key (id)
create table specificExam (
id integer not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
generalExam_id integer not null, // THIS IS THE FOREIGN KEY COLUMN!!!!
name varchar(45) not null,
constraint pk_specificexam primary key (id)
package models;
import com.avaje.ebean.Page;
import play.data.validation.Constraints;
import play.db.ebean.Model;
import javax.persistence.*;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by ben on 08.08.2015.
@Table(name = "generalExam")
public class GeneralExam extends Model {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
public Long id;
public String name;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "generalExam")
public List<SpecificExam> specificExam;
package models;
import com.avaje.ebean.Page;
import play.data.validation.Constraints;
import play.db.ebean.Model;
import javax.persistence.*;
* Created by ben on 08.08.2015.
@Table(name = "specificExam")
public class SpecificExam extends Model {
/* --- VARIABLES ---*/
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
public Long id;
@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = "generalExam")
public GeneralExam generalExam;
public String name;
最后 观点:
@(specificExamForm: Form[SpecificExam])
@import helper._
@implicitFieldConstructor = @{
@main {
<h1>Add a specific exam</h1>
@form(routes.Exams.saveSpecificExam()) {
'_label -> "General Exam", '_default -> "-- Choose a general exam --", '_help -> "(every specific exam belongs to a general exam)",
'_showConstraints -> false
@inputText(specificExamForm("name"), '_label -> "Specific Exam Name", '_help -> "")
<div class="actions">
<input type="submit" value="Add this specific exam" class="btn primary"> or
<a href="@routes.Exams.listExams("specific")" class="btn">Cancel</a>
最后再提供一些信息: 正如已经提到的,我一直在尝试许多不同的组合,我得到的一些错误信息是:
[PersistenceException:ERROR执行DML bindLog []错误[列 'name'“不能为null”]]
[PersistenceException:ERROR执行DML bindLog []错误[列'ID' 指定两次]]
我只是想提前表示非常感谢,非常欢迎每一个帮助,我现在无法运行一周以上 - .-