Python:SyntaxError:' return'功能之外

时间:2015-08-20 03:51:24

标签: python raspberry-pi raspbian

我已经搜索并阅读了很多有关此内容的帖子并阅读了解决方案。基本上我所看到的是它归结为缩进。我已经尝试了所有建议但我仍然收到有关“返回”的错误消息。在功能之外。 at' 返回temp_c,temp_f '有任何想法吗?

# RasPi Temperature Sensor - Beginning Sensor Networks


# For this script, we explore connecting a digital temperature sensor

# to the Raspberry Pi and reading the data. We display the

# temperature

# in Celsius and Fahrenheit.

# Import Python modules (always list in alphabetical order)

import glob

import os

import time

# Issue the modprobe statements to initialize the GPIO and

# temperature sensor modules

os.system('modprobe w1-gpio')

os.system('modprobe w1-therm')

# Use glob to search the file system for directories that match the

# prefix.

# Save the path to the directory.

datadir = glob.glob('/sys/bus/w1/devices/28*')[0]

# Create the full path to the file

datafile = os.path.join(datadir, 'w1_slave')

# Procedure for reading the raw data from the file.

# Open the file and read all of the lines then close it.

def read_data():

    f = open(datafile, 'r')

    lines = f.readlines()


    return lines

# Read the temperature and return the values found.

def get_temp():

# Initialize the variables.

    temp_c = None

    temp_f = None

    lines = read_data()

# If the end of the first line ends with something other than

# 'YES'

# Try reading the file again until 'YES' is found.

while not lines[0].strip().endswith('YES'):


    lines = read_data()

# Search the second line for the data prefixed with 't='

    pos = lines[1].find('t=')

# A return code of -1 means it wasn't found.

if pos != -1:

# Get the raw data located after the 't=' until the end of the

    temp_string = lines[1][ pos+2:]

# Convert the scale for printing

    temp_c = float(temp_string) / 1000.00

# Convert to Farenheit

    temp_f = temp_c * 9.00 / 5.00 + 32.00

return temp_c, temp_f

# Main loop. Read data then sleep 1 second until cancelled with CTRL-
# C.

while True:

    temp_c, temp_f = get_temp()

    print("Temperature is {0} degrees Celsius, "

    "{1} degrees Fahrenheit.".format(temp_c, temp_f))

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您需要在$response = new Response; $response->setMaxAge($searchResult->getValidUntil()->getTimestamp()) ->setSharedMaxAge($searchResult->getValidUntil()->getTimestamp()) ->setExpires($searchResult->getValidUntil()) ->headers->addCacheControlDirective('must-revalidate', true); 之后缩进所有内容,最多lines = read_data()

return temp_c, temp_f

答案 1 :(得分:0)

def get_temp():

   temp_c = None

   temp_f = None

   lines = read_data()

   # If the end of the first line ends with something other than

   # 'YES'

   # Try reading the file again until 'YES' is found.

   while not lines[0].strip().endswith('YES'):


      lines = read_data()

      # Search the second line for the data prefixed with 't='

      pos = lines[1].find('t=')

      # A return code of -1 means it wasn't found.

      if pos != -1:

      # Get the raw data located after the 't=' until the end of the

      temp_string = lines[1][ pos+2:]

      # Convert the scale for printing

      temp_c = float(temp_string) / 1000.00

      # Convert to Farenheit

      temp_f = temp_c * 9.00 / 5.00 + 32.00

   return temp_c, temp_f


答案 2 :(得分:0)


app.get('/*', function(req, res, next){ 
  res.setHeader('Last-Modified', (new Date()).toUTCString());