<template> + querySelector using:scope伪类适用于文档但不适用于documentFragment

时间:2015-08-19 09:40:27

标签: css-selectors web-component shadow-dom documentfragment html5-template



var hasCtnr = template.content.querySelector(':scope > :only-child, :scope > style:first-child + :last-child') != null;

但是,我注意到它无效 - 也就是说,hasCtnr总是false。所以,我做了reduced test case (jsfiddle)。如您所见,:scope适用于常规DOM元素。但是,它似乎不适用于DocumentFragment我知道这项技术是新的/实验性的,但这是一个错误还是我做错了什么?


var hasCtnr = !!$(template.content).children(':only-child, style:first-child + :last-child').length;

顺便说一句,我只关心Chrome / Electron支持。

这是jsfiddle inline:

var nonTmplResult = document.querySelector('#non-template-result');
var tmplResult = document.querySelector('#template-result');

var grandparent = document.querySelector('#grandparent');
var parent = document.querySelector('#parent');
var child = document.querySelector('#child');

var who = grandparent.querySelector(':scope > div');
if (who === parent) {
    nonTmplResult.innerHTML = 'parent as expected, :scope worked';
} else if (who === child) {
    nonTmplResult.innerHTML = "child (unexpected), :scope didn't work";

var tmpl = document.querySelector('template');
var content = tmpl.content;

var proto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);

var hasCtnr = content.querySelector(':scope > div'); // this and even ':scope div' results in null, 'div' results in DIV
tmplResult.innerHTML += hasCtnr == null ? "null for some reason, :scope didn't work" : hasCtnr.nodeName + ', :scope worked'; // Why is this null..?
tmplResult.innerHTML += '<br/>';

proto.createdCallback = function() {
    var clone = document.importNode(content, true);
    var root = this.createShadowRoot();
    var rootHasCtnr = root.querySelector(':scope > div'); // ':host > div' seems to work but I prefer this check to happen once (above) so createdCallback can be efficient as I'll likely have many custom elements
    tmplResult.innerHTML += rootHasCtnr == null ? "null again, :scope didn't work" : rootHasCtnr.nodeName + ', :scope worked'; // Why is this also null..?

document.registerElement('x-foo', { prototype: proto });
#non-template-result {
    background: red;
    color: white;
#template-result {
    background: green;
    color: springgreen;
* /deep/ * {
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 5px;
#grandparent {
    display: none;
<div id="grandparent">
    <div id="parent">
        <div id="child"></div>

<div id="non-template-result">????</div>
<div id="template-result"></div>
    <p>I should be dark golden rod with khaki text.</p>

        :host {
            background: blue;
            display: block;
        :host > div > p {
            color: white;
        ::content > p {
            background: darkgoldenrod;
            color: khaki;
        <p>I should be blue with white text</p>

<a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components#Enabling_Web_Components_in_Firefox">Enabling Web Components in Firefox</a>

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



:scope CSS伪类匹配作为选择器匹配的参考点的元素。在HTML中,可以使用scoped元素的<style>属性定义新的参考点。 如果HTML页面上没有使用此类属性,则参考点为<html>元素。


在某些情况下,选择器可以与一组明确的:scope元素匹配。 这是一个(可能为空)元素集,为选择器提供与匹配的引用点,例如[DOM]中querySelector()调用指定的引用点,或者作用域的父元素[HTML5]中的<style>元素。

由于scoped属性为no longer on any standards track,因此只能处理带有<html>标记的文档,这会阻止其在文档片段中使用。



var bar = document.body.getElementsByTagName("template");
var baz;

var iterator = function(value, index) {
  if(/<style>/.test(value.innerHTML) === false)
    value.innerHTML = "\n<div>" + value.innerHTML + "</div>\n";
  return value;

bar.map = Array.prototype.map;
baz = bar.map(iterator);



答案 1 :(得分:0)


var hasCtnr = template.content.querySelector(':scope > :only-child' ) //...

... :scope伪类表示调用querySelector()的元素。

但是DocumentFragment(template.content的类型)不是一个元素(没有根元素,没有容器),它的localName属性是 undefined 。< / p>


var df = document.createDocumentFragment()
df.appendChild( document.createElement( 'div' ) )
var res = df.querySelector( ':scope div' )  

console.info( 'df.localName is %s', df.localName )
console.info( 'df.querySelector( :scope div ) returns %s', res )
